
Is it normal to have a light, spotty period when you are only 15 and still a virgin?

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I am 15 and a virgin. my periods are usually not light but also not super heavy. my last 2 periods have been a week or so early and this one is a few days late, but instead of it being my normal period, it is just really light and kinda spotty. it looks like the same color as my other periods, it is a dark brown/red color. i was wondering if this is normal and if this counts as my period. any advice would be great.






  1. i think its perfectly normal. im almost 15 and i first had my period when i was almost 12. i used to miss my period all the time before but my doctor says that these things need to balance out and it can take up to 2 years for it to be normal (flow and timing).

    now, mine starts out light for the first day, heavy the next 2 or 3, sometimes 4. and then for the next 3-5 days, i guess you can call it spotting but it starts getting brownish.

    and youre a virgin too? no worries =)

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