
Is it normal to have ants as your pet..??

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coz my bro does.......





  1. it can be if he is quite oung as they dont take up any time realy or any patience or care  

  2. No not really, because ant are a real pest

  3. What do they sell ant farms for then?

  4. Yes If its an ant Farm but if its just one ant hen that's kinda weird

  5. hey their cool! i useed to have pet ants and snails..

    for future referance never put them together lol.

    but you dont have to take them to the vet they just eat- anything.

    tell him to give the ants like a lil bit of melted icecream and sweet stuff they like that stuff.

  6. no

  7. more fun than a fish, at least there are a lot of them, and they do more than swim in circles

  8. Yes, it is to me. You can get one of those ant colonies that enables you to see the ants' house in the sand. You can also get them in gel which is even cooler!

    Ants are very hardworking creatures serving their queen. It is very enjoying to watch them crawling through those tunnels.

  9. Yes i did when i was young red ants i have and then i kept them in a fish tank and had like wood chippings and loads of grass and lil sticks!

    Thanks xx

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