
Is it normal to have been anaemic for 3 yrs?

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Is it normal to have been anaemic for 3 yrs?




  1. No it is not. See your doctor.

  2. Anemia is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or the amount of hemoglobin (the protein that carries oxygen in them) is low. (Merck)

    Severe anemia can cause low oxygen levels in vital organs such as the heart, and can lead to a heart attack.(MedlinePlus)

    Anemia diminishes the capability of individuals who are affected to perform physical activities. This is a result of one's muscles being forced to depend on anaerobic metabolism. The lack of iron associated with anemia can cause many complications, including hypoxemia, brittle or rigid fingernails, cold intolerance, and possible behavioral disturbances in children. Hypoxemia resulting from anemia can worsen the cardio-pulmonary status of patients with pre-existing chronic pulmonary disease. Cold intolerance occurs in one in five patients with iron deficiency anemia, and becomes visible through numbness and tingling.

    Anemia affects 20% of all females of childbearing age in the United States. Because of the subtlety of the symptoms, women are often unaware that they have this disorder, as they attribute the symptoms to the stresses of their daily lives. Possible problems for the fetus include increased risk of growth retardation, prematurity, intrauterine death, rupture of the amnion and infection.

    During pregnancy, women should be especially aware of the symptoms of anemia, as an adult female loses an average of two milligrams of iron daily. Therefore, she must intake a similar quantity of iron in order to make up for this loss. Additionally, a woman loses approximately 500 milligrams of iron with each pregnancy, compared to a loss of 4-100 milligrams of iron with each period. Possible consequences for the mother include cardiovascular symptoms, reduced physical and mental performance, reduced immune function, tiredness, reduced peripartal blood reserves and increased need for blood transfusion in the postpartum period.(Wikipedia).

    When anemia is severe enough, it may interfere with your ability to do everyday tasks. You may be too exhausted to work or play. Although anemia is often treatable, it may take several weeks to months for red blood cell levels to return to normal after treatment. Ask your doctor what to expect from treatment.

    If you've been diagnosed with anemia — it's often detected during routine blood tests — ask your doctor what treatment is necessary. Then be sure to follow through on treatment, even if you quickly start to feel better. Left unchecked, anemia can lead to a rapid or irregular heartbeat — an arrhythmia. Your heart must pump more blood to compensate for the lack of oxygen in the blood when you're anemic. This can even lead to congestive heart failure. Untreated pernicious anemia can lead to nerve damage and decreased mental function, as vitamin B-12 is important not only for healthy red blood cells but also for optimal nerve and brain function.

    Some inherited anemias, such as sickle cell anemia, can be serious and lead to life-threatening complications. Losing a lot of blood quickly results in acute, severe anemia and can be fatal.(MayoClinic)

  3. A lot of women who have heavy periods are anemic.  You likely need to take some iron to help get your blood levels back up.  If so, take some Ferrosequels, as it is the most bio-available iron plus a stool softener on the market.  You may need to take more than the suggested dose on the label, but check with your doc about how much you need to take.

  4. If it has not been treated correctly or if you have chronic anemia as I do. I must have B12 shots monthly.  

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