
Is it normal to have more then one canker sore in your mouth, especially if others healed a few weeks ago?

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I have two canker sores in my mouth right now, I've stopped wearing my retainers because they only make it worse. Whenever I get one canker sore another one soon follows, I brush and floss my teeth to.




  1. i know exactly what youre going through!

    when i had my braces my mouth really was a war zone for cankey sores...

    i always always ALWAYS used this antibacterial mouthwash called sterisol that you can buy at any drugstore.

    it kills the excess bacteria in your mouth

    it takes 2 days or so to work but it really does help to get rid of the canker sores. its actually really good cause when you use it, it sort of numbs the area where the sore is, so it doesnt hurt for a while!

    it doesnt taste too...pretty. but hey, it could be worse!

    anyways, use it 2-3 times a day. after a meal, brush/floss your teeth and then use the sterisol. swish it around in your mouth for about at least 30 sec and then spit it out and dont eat/drink anything for another 30-60 mins, so that it can work.

    its good that youre not wearing your retainers if they onyl irritate them cause you really need to get rid of these so that you can go back to wearing them!

    also, there are different productsout there that are creams or gels you squeeze onto a q-tip then rub onto the canker sore...they create a thin film over it and it protects it so it relieves pain and can actually allow you to eat some thing! i usually prefer to use Zilactin. it hurts abit when you put it on, but then it works well afterwards!

    also, im sure you knwo to stay away from any foods which may aggrivate it. such as: citrus fruits, sodas, chocolate, salsa, tomatoe-y things..

    wel anyways i hope some of this will help you out!


    The ingredient Sodium Lauryl Sulfate will aggravate your mouth sores.  Stop using toothpaste (use baking soda or just a wet toothbrush) until you get some toothpaste that is SLS-free.  I get my son Rembrandt Extra Gentle.  Always check the ingredients.  Your sores will heal up much faster if you don't use this ingredient that causes toothpaste to "suds".  You can Google this ingredient and learn a lot.

  3. sometimes it means that your immune system is low.. other times its because you bite or cut the inside if your mouth (which has alot of bacteria) but dont remember you did it and then it becomes infected

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