
Is it normal to have period like cramps @ 34 weeks that are consent?

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For the past 4 days now I've been having these what feel like period cramps on both sides. I haven't lost my plug (as far as I know of) but there was this time where it felt like i did start my period so I went to the bathroom to look and here it was just a really thick white discharge. I also have to pee every time i move or it feels like i do because of the pressure. are these just braxon hicks that I'm having? And I know everyone says to time them, but how can you time cramps that are just consent? I'm confused on how to time these because they are on going. the other day i had them all morning and than at lunch they stopped for about 30minutes and than started right back up again. And when i got home from work i fell asleep and when i woke, i still had them.

Any advice? my next doc appointment is on the 30th of this month so I'm going to try to hold out until than. I did try calling him the other day to see if i could come in earlier but ended up getting a machine and it was all in German so i didnt understand a single word of it. (I'm stationed in Germany and have to go out to the economy to a German doctor)




  1. are you active when having these contractions? try getting off your feet and staying well hydrated and see if that helps relieve them  

  2. Maybe you have a bladder infection or urinary tract infection or something like that. There is a test you can buy.. like a pee on a stick test that can tell you if you have something like that... now if you can get it in Germany... i dunno? Good luck. :)

  3. If you are 34 weeks you should try to see your doc sooner if they are consistant it it possibal that you may have some pre term labor going on and in that case ther is medication to help with that. Most of the time the doc dont want you to have consistant contractions untill 36 weeks it dose not hurt to ask better safe then sorry. Do you drink lots of water? If not that could also cause pre term contractions, braxton hicks contractions are not normaly consistant. Try to drink more water and get plenty of rest and give your doc a call and see what he/she recomends.

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