
Is it normal to have "Braxton Hicks" everyday!?

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This is my first baby and I'm 34 weeks pregnant. Baby has already dropped. I'm not sure if I'm dilated or anything, but have been having pains 'down there'.

My mom said that's dilation. But anyway.

For well over a week I have had Braxton hicks every single day for hours on end.

I have had braxton hicks since 28 weeks, but now its kind of ridiculous. They get real painful sometimes. Or my belly gets really tight and stays that way for what feels like ever.

It keeps getting to the point where I think I'm in labor, almost every day.

My mom and I agree that this baby is not going to 40 weeks.

And the Braxton hicks coming so frequently probably helps make that true.

I'm not sure If this is normal or not. Could it mean labor is close?




  1. It's me, again! I'm 34 weeks, as well, and the Braxtons have been coming since 22 weeks, and they are getting worse... They always stop, though: I've noticed they are stronger, and that the 'down there' pains, are worse, when I'm doing a lot of activity... Well, we've been painting the house, and getting things ready, so they're pretty bad! Like you, I'm also well-hydrated... Last night, I actually woke up to sharp, shooting pains, down low, but they stopped.

    Just be aware of what's going on, and watch for other changes... If things keep going how they are, you will probably be fine, and may or may not go early... I know that's not much help, but I know people who had these same symptoms, that went well past their due date! And, a few that went a bit early... Good luck!

  2. BH contrax are normal, you have them throughout your entire life. You just can't feel them most of the time because there's nothing in your uterus that will cause pressure for you to notice. What to do about BH contrax is when you feel them start to come on, you need to drink a glass of water and put your feet up, keeping your legs elevated will help alot. If you feel the sensation of 'pins and needles poking in your cervix, that's your cervix dialating slowly. Real contrax are horrible pains through your entire abdomin and cervix. Mine got so bad I had to just scream. I hope the BH contrax go away for you and that you will have a beautiful healthy baby! Congrats on the pregnancy!

  3. My sister had the same problem, her baby came at 37 weeks, so it could mean the baby will come early!  

  4. i had the same thing...and i carried to 41 weeks. sorry!! the pain and pressure you feel in your pelvic floor is actually the baby's head pressing on your cervix. it does not necessarily mean dialation, but that definately helps with effacing, so be glad you feel that! baby is doing it's job! i had braxton hicks a LOT too. not pain-free either. especially when i went for a walk or something. very tight abdomen, and what felt like real contractions...until i had real contractions! :)

    my grandmother had a saying (and she had 8 kids). if you can still smile and talk while you are having a "contraction" your not having a real contraciton! she was right. i had a fully natural birth, and boy oh, know when they are real!

    also, my midwife told me that me constantly thinking about my contractions, and being "worried" or "concerned" about it was only hindering my real labour coming on. it wasn't until i relaxed, and stopped worrying that my real labour came.

    good luck!!

  5. I am in the exact same boat as you. On Saturday I swore I was in true early labor. EVERYTHING you have mentioned is teh exact same. Even for my family. They never had braxton kicks they think I'm nuts. This is my third pregnancy and has happened every time. I found your question because I was also looking for the same answer. gOOD lUCK ON THE BIRTH OF YOUR BABY!

  6. I had this problem alot too. I had them ALL the time. I went to the hospital 3 times for false alarms because of the Braxton Hicks. But once I got into real labor, there was no question. You can def feel the difference between the two.

  7. Hello-

       I am in a similar situation.... I'm in my 32 week, and I get Braxton Hicks almost any time I get up/stand up/ or walk.  I went to the doctor the other day and she said that although its not common to have them so frequently, there are people out there (such as ourselves) who get them for long periods of time (i.e. an hour at a time). She wasn't worried at all because the baby's development is normal and I've been otherwise doing well.  Don't freak about it, sometimes what's natural for your body is different from other people.  I know it's a pain (literally), but try changing positions and taking it easy, that's what has helped me.  I can get mine to go away fairly quickly if I just sit or lay down.  Good luck

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