
Is it normal to have to rock your baby to sleep everynight?

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My babyis 7.5months old...I have to hold her and rock her to gether to fall asleep. Is this just normal for her age? Is there a time when they grow out of it and go to sleep on their own? Or is there something I can do to help her go to sleep on her own. Ive tried the whole letting her cry thing...doesn't work.




  1. well, it is normal for those people who have rocked their baby since the beginning. your child will likely NOT "grow out of it", you will have to transition into not rocking if you want to stop. it's not going to be easy but unless you want to rock her until she's in second grade.... it has to be done. the longer you wait the harder it will be.

  2. Babies love to be rocked. In the womb, they were 'rocked' and felt the comforting motion made when their mothers moved around the place.

    It's very normal. And an excellent opportunity to bond. When she falls asleep as you rock her, she is feeling as comfortable and as close to you as she could. It means you did a good job! :)

    In a while, she will learn that she doesn't need to be rocked all the time.

    You're doing fine, from what I can tell :)

  3. I think that  "normal" is whatever she is used to.  If you have usually rocked her to sleep, this is what is normal for her.  I don't think she will grow out of it if you continue to do it.  You said you tried cry it out and it didn't work for you, it doesn't work for everyone and thats fine.  Did you do controlled cry it out?  Where you let her cry for 5-7 minutes, go check and calm her and then leave.  Let her cry for a 8-9 and check again and so on and so on?  How long did you do this?  It took my son a week straight before he learned.  If you did all those things, then, I would just continue to rock her.  Maybe try giving her a special blanket or teddy bear when you put her down.  My son loves his "blankey" and can't sleep without it.  The only real way to get her to sleep without rocking is to just not do it and I know that is hard.  Maybe try cry it out again for a week and see how it goes now.  Good Luck

  4. Perfectly normal and natural.

    You might enjoy this article on the different sleep needs of infants:

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