
Is it normal to hurt yourself more than your target when you hit it?

by Guest56494  |  earlier

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By target, I'm talking about fighting opponent. I almost broke my foot with a kick that did little damage once.

I think I might be punching wrong, and its usually my wrist that I hit on another wrist/fist/foot that hurts me.




  1. Yes it sounds to me that you are not doing it correctly for you should not hurt yourself more than them!!

    That indicates that you ARE doing something wrong with your kicks.  

    One question if I may ask you, do you also train in sneakers and jeans and shirts for realism?  Many people get used to kicking barefoot and then when they have to use it for real they find their shoes restricting them or their clothing.

    Could that have been it too?

  2. You are kicking wrong, never land the kicks on your toes, with enough force, you will break your ankle - some arts use the instep as the striking zone, others use the lower shin either way you need more practice.

  3. No it's not normal. If it were then nobody would ever fight. If you normally hurt yourself worse than your opponent you wouldn't have much of a chance of winning a fight now would you?

  4. Having trouble, haha.  Well you ned to condition yourself. Kung -Fu fighters call this Iron Kung-Fu. They hit solid objects lightly and build up until they are cracking makiwari's and breaking bricks with ease. Karate fighters use makiwari. Muay Thai fighters kick punch and elbow banana or smooth bark trees. Kung-Fu figthers hit solid objects as well and usually specialise in one area of iron king-fu like iron fistm iron palm, iron stomach, iron head and iron crotch (ouch!). For you though just get a good kicking bag, like a long heavy bag, the bottom is almost rock solid, hit the bag and wear good support, kick the bottom of the bag until you can really crack it.  If you want extra strength in wrists, do wrist roller workouts as well as leverage drills with axe or somehting with weight at one end. Also do knuckle pushups and punch makiwari. If you plan to bare knuckle fight again this is imperative as even weaklings like me can break their calcium deficient hand bones on someones jaw.

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