
Is it normal to lay next to your 4 year old daughter and get errect by the thoughts of her loving you?

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it's not me, i'am a women, it's my boyfriend whom which he has a daughter from a previous reationship...i'm trying to get answers and help her.




  1. This is wrong and disturbing on every level.  NO, it is NOT normal for a father to get erect over his daughter for any reason.  Especially a 4 year old!  This man needs help and should not be unsupervised with her at any time.  It's an illness that sometimes can't be controlled even if he knows its wrong.  If he really loves her he will stay away from her before he does something she will never get over.  She deserves a normal life free from her fathers abuse.  I feel so sorry for her.  I have a wonderful father and can't imagine dealing with the consequences of this situation.  

    First you should tell her mother so she can make sure the child is properly supervised.  Second, you should get a new boyfriend--PRONTO!

    Please help her, someone has to.  Right now, you are all she has.  He can't be trusted.  You could make a difference in the rest of her life.

  2. No !!!!!

    you need some Help.she needs to sleep in her own bed and you should Never Ever be alone with this child.

  3. No it is not normal. He need some serious help. This is a child!! Loving a woman and getting erect is normal, loving a child and getting erect is sick and wrong! The next step is molesting his daughter if he hasnt already. Take him to a therapist, tell his ex. Make sure supervision is constant. Do not let them be alone together or something terrible will happen!

  4. no it is not.  I hope that this is just your idea of a funny joke....which it certainly is not....and not a real question.

  5. No nothing normal about that

  6. no its not normal are you nuts? Report his *** before her molests her


    That is disgusting and sexual arousal at all is not normal, appropriate or right.

    I would do what I could to get that daughter away from being alone with him - I know it is only your step-daughter, but you need to make sure she is protected.

  8. You need to hear from guys too. This is not normal and it really is serious. I have dealt with so many people that have been molested as little kids and it destroys them. Your BF is not just sick, he also needs to stop being your BF. Time for you to call the authorities. Tell the guy he has real problems and you do not need to take on his sickness but you do need to make others aware and then get out of there. Make sure you have enough self esteem to dump the guy.

  9. You need to get her to a doctor to find out IF she's been molested yet or not.  That is just crazy!  Help this poor child.  Does her mother know?  I think if she did, she wouldn't allow him to see her or "lay" with her again!    

  10. No! I see you are asking this because your boyfriend told you this happened to him from your previous question. No it is not normal at all the love of a daughter is completely different. There are child molesters out there and he might be one. I would tell his baby's momma he said that and dump him immediately!

  11. can someone pass me a barf bag

  12. No it is not normal it is sick and you need help. DO NOT lay with your child in bed and don't even put her on your lap until you have this matter resolved. Seek help, call child protective services, do whatever you need to do to protect your child from you...if you love her you will seek the help you need even if it means that you cannot have contact from her for awhile or have to have monitored visitation. This is totally, sick...this is your child what in the world are you thinking??????????

  13. erections (apart from full bladder ones) come from a sexual desire. I would be getting out of that relationship if I was you

  14. no and thats sick  

  15. No!!  You need to get counseling.  Tomorrow's Monday...I would strongly urge you to seek out a counselor for an emergency meeting for therapy.  It is IMPERATIVE that you get help for this before it turns into something worse.  I feel the urge to come get your daughter and bring her home with me until you get this dealt with.  

    First things first...stop lying next to her.  Stay out of situations that allow that physiological reaction.

    I am so worried about this...please get help!!

    Edit...I just read that you asked this question previously and that's it's not about you but about your keep getting the same answer, why keep asking the question?  GET OUT...right after you call the girls mother and report him to social services.

  16. NO. Your boy friend is sick. Please get that child away from him before some thing happens, and it will.And if I was you I would give second thoughts to your relationship.It may happen to your own child when you two become married.

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