
Is it normal to like pictures of people crying?

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One of my friends enjoys to look at pictures of people crying. Is this normal? I think she is depressed. Should she possibly consider therapy?




  1. she is not normal

  2. I know it's weird, but I think it is often cute when people or animals she may feel the same with crying pics....It is not "normal", but unless she is depressed herself, then she doesn't need therapy.

  3. when people cry it shows their inner truth, the essence of who that person really is. She could very well be depressed,  perhaps she sees her pain in these pictures and feels conforted by a feeling of not being isolated, it may be a way of taking some of the weight off.

    So much of the world is soo superficial now. Tears  could be considered the last true window into humanity.  

  4. she probably should. thats kind of sad actually. umm... do u have any reason y she is sad? i mean do u know of any reason?divorce or death of someone? probably would be best if u confront her about it.

  5. People like different things.  Don't assume there is something wrong with her unless she is also engaging in other strange or dangerous activities.  Maybe she's just emo.

  6. nope , very not normal.

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