
Is it normal to pay the daycare center if the child does not attend?

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My little brother attends daycare everyday and every once in a while he can't attend due to doctor's appointments and family vacations. When he needs time off we always give the daycare a min. of a week's notice (as stated by them in the contract.) The contract also only states that we have to pay for holidays and school closings due to weather. Is it normal for the daycare to ask for payment on days he does not attend school? Also it is normal for them to ask us to pay another enrollment fee every time he comes back from a vacation?




  1. Its normal to pay when hes not attending as this is to hold onto the place. It is not normal though to pay an enrolment fee everytime, as if you have continued paying fees he has not been taken off their register. That should only happen if you take him out of the setting but dont pay the fees.

  2. The center i work at does make you pay if you attend for at least one day that week. If you are going to be gone for an extended period of time, we have parents pay a fee to keep their spot. but they dont charge new enrollment every time people come back from vacation.

  3. Yes, it is normal for a full-time daycare center.

  4. Yes, unless you have made special arrangements (like for a lengthy vacation), you have to pay if the child is there or not.  The center has to pay ITS bills. (Staff, utilities, insurance, etc.).

    A new enrollment fee sounds a bit odd, unless you have actually removed him from the school so you don't have to pay while you are on vacation.

  5. yes it is normal - sucks but it is normal!

  6. I worked at  a day care for a year and that's exactly how they charged....whether or not your child is there...they still have to pay teachers and pay for the cost of food and supplies to be prepared incase your child does show up.

  7. Yes, it's normal.

  8. Yes, you're paying for the placement.  if you don't pay they can offer that place to another child who needs it. Luckily i have just paid my last nursery fee, which we have been paying for 3 and a half years, as my little girl starts school full time in September yepeeee!!!! but we are still paying for the out of school club who look after her from 3-5.30pm Mon-Fri.

  9. our sitters policy is you pay if hes there or not.....yes it sucks big time but thats the way it goes. she took vacation wed thur and fri this week and i still had to pay her for it....even though it was her choice to be closed.

  10. I have a child in day care now. They do not charge if the are closed for the whole week. But if they are closed for 2 or so day they charge the weekly rate. I have another child who is not in day care anymore, but they charged weekly whether they were open or not (something about filling spots).

  11. yes it is normal for them to still charge you, because they would loose money and most day care centers do not make very much profit with the centers.  I am going to school for early childhood and see how much it cost to run a daycare center.  if you didn't pay the charges then they could give your spot to someone else most centers around here have waiting list of children wanting in the center

  12. You are paying for the spot so weather or not he attends is completely up to you.

    Usually re-enrollment is once a year or if you took him off enrollment to get out of paying for a week of vacation and then wanted to enroll him again.  

    I'd question the fee if it's more than once a year and you're not having a lapse in payment for financial or vacation reasons.

  13. Pay days missed yes very normal. You have sick leave and vacation days you can use for your Dr. appointments and never miss any money out of you check it is the same thing with day care providers. And yes you have to pay her when she vacations.

    Enrollment fees that is a scam. Time to ask questions, and read your contract. If they won't end the fees and you are taking several vacations a year and don't want to pay it may be time to look elsewhere. Good Luck

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