
Is it normal to spend your weekends inside your house?

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Instead of going to friend's houses. All of them live way too far from my neighborhood. Is it geeky to spend your weekends in the house?




  1. its good alone time to get away from school and stuff.

    i mean i dont think theres anything wrong with taking a break from some drama

  2. No, just balance staying alone with hanging out with people during school and such. It's really not a big deal. Not everyone likes going out everyday.  

  3. Not at all. I do it all the time. It's good just to sit back and watch a movie or read a book.

  4. All the people who use Y!A are pretty much the ones who like staying home more then going out.

    I am not much of an outgoing person either.

    I like home, its cool.

  5. No Its kinda nice sometimes.

  6. haha some people like to just hang at home, i do! but i like to get out once in awhile. if they live far there's nothing you can do about it. my friends live far too.

    if you do it a lot like never get out then maybe alittle geeky.

  7. No, You can rest more and spend time with your family.

  8. If you work all week,sometimes that's just what you need. But you have to get out sometime and have some fun with your friends outside the work environment. I'm laid off right now which means there isn't much money. I would do anything to be able to take off and visit and shop and go on vacation. So be grateful you have the option. Friends of mine are only in their forties and they never go anywhere on the weekends. When they do they have to be home by 9:00pm. They turned themselves into a couple old Geezers. Don't let yourself get into that kind of rut. At least go visit family. Or switch off with your friends,once every couple weeks you go by them and then they can come by you the next time.

  9. Not really, because if your a weakling you can start working out.

  10. i mean, its your weekend do what you want. I wish I could sit at home on the weekends, Theres justs something in me that wont let me. haha

  11. No, it's not normal. It's a sign of a social stunted/inept individual. Luckily, there are people out there who specialize in treating others for this sort of thing.  

  12. of course not

    i spend my weekends in my house

    so i like the weekend to be the relaxing comfort part of my week

    where i can just chill and unwind in comfy pj's and just do what i want

    i feel like people who hang out with friends all week

    don't have a good relationship with their family

    from the people i know anyway

    and i enjoy spending time with my family

    they're like my best friends

    so of course i don't mind staying home  

  13. thats when i think im at my best in my own seroundings doing stuff for me or at least what i want. its normal

  14. I'm always in the d**n house on the weekends.   COME GET ME OUT!!   we can have some FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Not really but you should never settle for doing that every weekend. I used to just sit around on weekends and play video games until I decided to go to a football game where I met a girl

  16. its kool if ur on house arrest or something, then u got no choice, i never leave i would rather stay here and answer all the wacked questions on yahoo

  17. Nope, not at all

  18. Yes very much, some people enjoy the great outdoors, others the great indoors, dont worry its all good.

  19. Well, do you like spending weekends inside your house? As long as you like it then it's fine. Do what YOU like, and don't be influenced by what others think about it.

    I spend all week inside my house all alone because I LOVE being alone and out of the hassles of people. I do online schooling, then I go out to ride my horse, then I come in and play on the computer for the rest of the day. And that is how I /choose/ to live, because I like being alone and relaxing.

    So please as long as you like it don't worry about what others think.

  20. See buddy whether its a weekend or a weekday live your life.I don't think people should be to concerned whether a person is at home on a weekend or not.Live your life buddy.  

  21. If it's geeky, then call me Mr. Geek.

    In fact. I never go to friends houses... ever. Never ever.

    I don't have any friends whose houses I can go to anyway...


    But now that I have a job, I at least have something to do on the weekends. At least my co-workers are good friends :D

  22. Not necessarily

  23. thats what i do all the time...but somehow it can be a bit lonely and depressing.

  24. I don't really have friends to go by. When I DID have friends when I lived in my other town I didn't stay home very much. I stay home all the time and read now!  

  25. it is absolutely normal

  26. i don't think it is. I spend most of my weekends in my house, i have lots of friends who live like, a block away, but i enjoy the time alone to just think or to catch up on things, or just to chill without having to worry about anything.

    if your really that worried about it try making some friends who live close, or even just go out by yourself or find a hobby to occupy your time on something productive.

    besides, what's wrong with being geeky? you know what the song said, "all the geeks get the girls" ;-)

  27. I have to. Don't have friends.

  28. nah having some alone time is just what the body needs sometimes

  29. No.  As long as you don't have anything better to do.  Why, if you could of gone to your friends, didn't you?

  30. I enjoy spending my weekends home sometimes....It's nice to just sit home, relax, watch movies, play video games...whatever..just unwind instead of being social 24/7.

  31. Hi,

    I have this dilemma all the time. The week is just so busy, by the time the weekend comes I just end up staying all alone by myself. It's not geeky; after all you spend your whole week socializing with people at work/school/university you sometimes need time on your own. Haha with so much time on the weekend I can write in depth answers to questions like yours!

    Good luck and don't ever get bored by the mundanity of life. Be sure to read the question I posed on "what drives humans to work to succeed and then die";...  

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