
Is it normal to want s*x after pregnancy and whats the possible pregnancy rate after too?

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It has only been a week since I had my adorable son Christopher, and well right now my hormones are off the wall. And I am actually in the mood for s*x.

Is that a normal thing?

Also I was wondering if it was possible to become pregnant this soon as well if we are not protected if we decided to have s*x again. So is it possible? And how likely?




  1. I had my son almost 1 month ago and we had s*x again a little after 2 weeks. People say theres a great chance. We used the "pull out method" so Im really hoping theres not a big chance lol. Anyways if you dont want another baby soo soon use protection. And I wanted s*x like a week after, I had an emergency c section, so as soon as I felt allot better about a week I was soo in the mood. but everyones different.

  2. Yes, its normal... I was very much in the mood for s*x about 4 days after having my daughter...

    Chances are actually very HIGH of you getting pregnant if you have unprotected s*x on your 6 week recovery. I recommend waiting longer, even if you use protection, your body is still recovering especially if you had a vaginal delivery, and even if not you need to be on pelvic rest for a good long while. I had s*x 5 and a half weeks after having my daughter and it hurt so bad to the point I made my husband stop. I was not healed completely and then I started bleeding HEAVY again.  

  3. I have been informed that you are very fertile after giving birth so i wouldnt have unprotected s*x unless ya want another adorable baby.  

  4. Congratulations on your Baby !  As for the Urges to have sexual contact it is Normal, While your body is adjusting to the changes it has gone through your hormones may be out of whack for a bit but will eventually be normal again, although the time it takes is dependent on your Immune system.  As for getting pregnant right after having a Baby, it is possible, although the likeliness of it depends once again on your hormones and body.. I know a couple of friends who have been pregnant right after giving birth.. but I also know others who have had s*x right after birth and have not gotten pregnant..Again it all depends on you and your body..Every Body is Different, I mean that in both perspectives.. Just try to resist the Urges to have s*x for now or use a condom if you don't want to get pregnant.. at least until you can get your self on birth control, unless of course you do want to become impregnated.. Good Luck with your New Born Child and Blessed Be..

  5. It is absolutely likely.  You should NOT have s*x, though - at all, especially if you had a vaginal birth.  The cervix is still closing, your body is still healing and to have s*x can cause infection.  Your doctor advises to NOT put anything into the v****a, no baths, no tampons for the first 6 weeks post-partum.  I have seen stupid girls who gave birth and then were back 10 months later with another baby within the same year.  One of them even had her tubes tied after the 2nd one.  Needless to say, think with your mind - not your hormones.

  6. First of all congrats!

    Its perfectly normal to feel all these things, all your pregnancy hormones are rushing outta your body at the moment.. anything is possible!

    Also straight after giving birth you are extremely fertile because your womb is still very low from pregnancy..

    good luck! x

  7. VERY!!!!!!!!!! likely

  8. Congratulations on your new baby.

    The doctors say not to have s*x until 6 weeks later. Simply because your uterus is still healing. On top of other parts of the body as well. You can also be open to infections too, worse case scenerio. However I had a friend that had to have it too after a week of having a baby because she was in the same situation you are in. It's very normal to feel this way. Either two things will occur you are either very in the mood or very not in the mood.

    For your second concern. Most women don't get pregnant until they ovulate after they give birth. Which is normally the first month after having a baby. However, I'm sure you know nothing is 100%. So it's up to you. With the percentage and likely hood is very unlikley the first two weeks.

    Please be careful and remember that your cervix is still open and prone to infections the first 6 weeks. Other than that good luck with everything. :D

  9. Your the MOST fertile after having a baby.

  10. People above me are crazy. You are no more fertile after you have a child then you were before. I actually asked my doctor that. It's normal to want it and it's normal not to. I am 7 months post partum and STILL don't want to.  : (    O well! And if you're breastfeeding your body may not be ovulating. You never can tell though, so don't rely on it as you would birth control. The only thing you have to worry about is that if you do have s*x so early there is risk of infection because your cervix hasn't closed all the way. That's why they say wait 6 weeks.

    Congrats on the baby!  and I hope you're getting enough rest!

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