
Is it normal to want to be married so badly?

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The relationships I've had with everyone in my life (aside from my mother and brother) has always been very unstable. I seemed to have best friends in primary school and high school, with my group of family friends and cousins yet now they don't keep in touch with me, despite my attempts to keep in touch with them. I also have a very rocky relationship with my father where he treats me as if he hates me then goes back to acting like he loves me. It's left me feeling like I've spent my whole life on an emotional roller coaster and without a father figure to rely on.

Since I was young I've wanted to be married. Not having a huge wedding, I mean just having one person in the world that I know will always be there. I've been with my boyfriend for more then 2 years now and I know he is the one that I want to spend the rest of my life with but I am afraid to tell him that I feel this way. We have discussed marriage and both want it.

Is it normal to want to be married so badly? Should I tell him?




  1. yea its normal.

    i rather be with 1 person forever than on n off with buncha ppl

  2. i wanna get married badly i dont think it wrongs

    if you have the right motives

    i have a lot of reasons

    but if you both want to get married

    then whats the problem?

  3. Tell him you have been together for 2 years and it's time to take the next step in your relationship. If you have both finished college and have good paying jobs and if he is serious about wanting to get married then why should you wait any longer? Let's set a date and get on with the rest of our lives.

  4. I don't think it's a bad thing at all. Sometimes when you don't have many people to rely on, or anyone, and then you find that certain someone, you can't help but feel that way. Just tell your sweetie how you've been feeling since you were younger and just let him know you're not rushing into anything, you're just letting him know. I'm sure he'll be fine with it as long as no one gets pushed into anything. Good luck!

  5. It is quite normal actually. But don't marry because you want stability. Marriages are more than weddings and flowers, and sometime people don't seem to think long-term when it comes to getting married, but feel more obligated to do so because they feel it's "time".

    Marriage is hard. I was married almost 11 years to the guy I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, but times got so tough with him and it got to the point where I didn't know if he was faithful because he started going out a lot. Between that and being told I wasn't doing much right, I gave up. And I tried. I really did.

    I'm glad you want to be married, but remember that it's tougher than it looks and harder to walk away from when the going gets tough. I'm in a relationship now with my high-school sweetheart, and I couldn't be happier.

    I would say depending on your age would determine if you are ready, although some people aren't ready until they are 30.

    Talk to him about it, but get married because you love him and everything about him. Don't get married looking for stability from another, because that comes from within. :) Sometimes you need to fix yourself before thinking things will just work themselves out because you are with someone. You gotta be happy if you want a happy marriage.

  6. It's normal to want to be married, but you have to get an idea of what married life is all about. Sure, its all love and kisses in the beginning, but think 5 or 10 years from now. You're still with the same guy. He's gained weight and you lose interest in the things that made you happy when you were single. Your kid(s) becomes your main priority to you and your husband. It's not just about you anymore. It's all about your children. And the list goes on. Just think if this is the guy that will always provide for you and keep you happy. If the answer is yes to be by your side through sickness and health or by your side when you look your worse, if you gain weight when you're pregnant, and clean for you when you get home tired from work and he has the day off. If this is all okay to the both of you you're ready to get married.

  7. Wanting to be married is very normal, but a lot of girls that are young and have a strong wanting to be "married" or to "have kids" do it for the wrong reasons. They do it for the exact reason you just said, they just want someone that will be a constant in their life and always love them, but thats not how it works. In reality marrying someone as a way to distance yourself from problems you have with other people is always a recipe for disaster a.k.a a divorce...because marriage is hard for EVERYONE no matter what, and the problems you have before you marry someone don't go away, instead their just added to the new problems you have as a newly married couple, so it's lose lose. Thats why most sucessful marriages are between people who have all their stuff together. You have to work on your self-esteem hun, and try to come to terms with the fact that you can be happy, without your hapiness depending on other people. For example, would you be able to go to a mall by yourself to shop for clothes or would you need other people with you, so you don't feel insecure about being alone in a mall? You need to build up your confidence, and you'll see that people will stick around more, because you won't come off so needy...and they won't feel like your always putting pressure on them to make you happy. Only you can truly make yourself happy. Even if your boyfriend is amazing, you will never truly be happy with him in the long run if you don't learn to fix all the issues you have with yourself. Good luck hun

  8. Honestly, it's normal, but it's not healthy.

    If you want to "BE MARRIED," that's not bad.  It turns ugly when you marry the guy you're with because you want to BE MARRIED, and he happens to be the guy who's with you at the time.  Don't just get married for the wedding, the event, and the status.  Get married because you want to be with someone the rest of your life.

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