
Is it normal to want your best friend all to yourself?

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On my best friends myspace, I am her top friend and in her heroes list I am first. And she also says that i'm her best friend. But at school, she hangs out and tries to talk to and hang out with this other girl (who is 4th on her heroes list). I feel that she wants to hang out with her more than me, but I am her best friend. E.g. if it were me, her, and the girl who she has been hanging out with more were walking, she would probable put her arm around the other girl (in a friend way) and I would be left out. Its really confusing me. She also tells me all her secrets. The other day on msn, I was talking to her and the other girl and she was talking to me and the other girl. The other girl was telling me what they were saying in their conversation and my bestie was asking her all these questions that she needed advice on (about her bf) and she wasn't even asking me!

Can anyone tell me whats going on and how I can get my best friend to like me more than the other girl?




  1. I had the same problem xD

    I was just so possessive about my best friend; I didn't like it even when she hugged her other (girl) friends...When she couldn't hang out with me because she had to go for another friends bday, I got really bugged...I begun to think she was starting to like her other college friends more than me...I spoke to her sometime back, told her that I felt she was forgetting about me, and she was like 'I really wasn't doing it intentionally, don't be silly you know you're still my best friend' etc. etc. and now I'm much more comfortable with her hangin out with her other just speak to your could also make friends with her other friend, and you three can hang out together...You're bestie might feel like hanging out with the other girl because that's a new friendship, in the long run she'll come to you, don't worry. :)

  2. That's perfectly normal, I've felt that way before too.

    Just understand you can't make someone become closer to you or to keep them to yourself. One thing that may come from this is tension and jealousy that could ruin your friendship. Try befriending this other girl, and maybe all three of you could be friends. Sometimes best friends are around each other too much and want to hang out with others. My best friend and I live together, she has her own friends at school and I have mine. I know that we're there for each other and yes, sometimes she will tell other stuff to people that I would expect her to tell me. But it's okay, I know she's my best friend and I'm hers and that is what makes me happy.

  3. i understand how you feel my best friend does the same thing with me if i could i would help you..=(

  4. Normalish, but you can't be joined at the him, it's unhealthy. You should broaden your own horizans, make more friends, then your friendship will be all the more precious from having a rounded outlook on things. Jealousy is a sure fired way to kill any relationship.

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