
Is it normel for ( me ) owner of group to go on no e mail for a day? cus so many off group friends?

by  |  earlier

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i get tons of e mails & im owner of group & i went on no e mail few times, to escape from it, does other owners or mods do that? im wanting to hear from other owners & mods to.




  1. all groups are different as how they do things so how I do things doesn't at all mean you should.

    this depends on group settings and if you'd need to be approving posts or checking the nasty spam filter. some owners do take a break, but they generally do have moderators to maintain a happy group. if your members didn't miss you, you have nothing to worry about. you just wanna be sure you don't become a dreaded MIA owner :)

    not all owners get individual mail, either. many are web readers. your mail settings shouldn't matter.

  2. no thats not normal and it was lazy of you i suggest you get a few mods or delete your group if your overwhelmed

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