
Is it not about time the British press openely reported the contents of Mr Amaral`s book?

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Afterall he has some interesting things to say on the Mc Cann case. Surely in the interest of balanced reporting the British public have the right to know what every other newspaper reader has free access to.




  1. I am sure that,  sooner or later,  the book will be on sale in England.  After all it is already on sale in other countries in Europe so England should follow suite

  2. Yes but why aren't they? They also have the police files and can deduce from them the many inconsistencies and deliberate fabrication of the 'abductor'. Why are we only hearing the McCann's version of events? It is deliberate biased reporting and someone is dictating the message.

    The British public are being mocked and those who wish to know are having to seek news abroad to read the true facts. It is a disgrace but they won't stop me from reading the true facts and when Amaral's book is available in English I will be buying many copy's as gifts. Clarie can spin until he vomits but the truth is breaking through and neither him, the Mc's or their rich associates will stop it and they can threaten to sue all they like because many are just waiting for the chance to see them in Court...

  3. Your joking, the pro Mccann British press will NEVER allow any version of events other than the one from Camp Mcann. Its a travesty of justice. I have read a translated summary of this book, and the facts of the case? WOW unbelievable, how the perpetrators have gotten away with it is a disgrace.  

  4. I agree.  So far it's only the McCann's version of events that has been covered in the UK press.   Few people have any idea why the PJ began to suspect the McCanns and I think reading translations would be a real eye-opener for them.  Amaral's book is an account of the investigation, the inconsistencies, the non-co-operation and the attitudes and behaviour of the McCanns and their friends which led to suspicion.  

    Unfortunately some people have been so brainwashed by the McCann camp and the 'perfect family' portrayal of the McCanns that anything that spoils that image is regarded as sacrilage.  They point-blank refuse to consider anything other than the McCanns' version of events.   I really don't understand how people can be so blind as to refuse to look at both sides.

    You will only get the truth if you listen carefully to ALL sides of the story with an unbiased and open mind.        

  5. The media are controlled by the Labour Party but I'm not

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