
Is it not hypocritical for the US to be speaking out against China so much during the Olympics...

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...when you consider how much we willingly import from China as well as how much of our Government debt we gladly have China continue to buy up. It seems REALLY hypocritical that we wait until a sporting event to make a fuss about how China runs their country.

I am not saying I agree with what they do at all, but if the US was truly sincere about making a statement it would not do it during a sporting event, it would do it by refusing to do business with them...or at least a lot less. But of course we can't do that, it would harm our own economy, so when we can potentially be affected, all is well, but when its just sports, then let them have it.

How hypocritical?




  1. You really should read more then the headlines of the day . The US as with the rest of the world has for many many years talked with China about their human rights violations.

  2. They pollute their water & air make'en junk then send'en it here so are landfills get full from the c**p . They miss treat their poeple & we let WAl-Mart s***w their employees around so all in all we'er even.

  3. I was appalled when i read the article about Bush criticizing their religious and political views. I dont buy into everything the media sells but to have someone who just borrowed a c**p ton of money from that country for our rebates talking down about the way they run anything is amazing. its not our place to correct another country.  Im sure they feel a lot of the c**p we do is out of line as well.  Take drunk spoiled brats being headline news for months, for example.

    And the Olympics, the last place left where many countries work together toward a common goal, is def. not the place for it.

  4. on a scale of 1 - 10...i give us a 9.

  5. It is never hypocritical to tell the truth as long as your own actions follow the standards you profess to uphold.  

  6. Because we are such a big economic engine in China we are in a position to call for changes there.  Economics and Politics are linked.

  7. Not to mention that we, the USA, have also impeded on the human rights of many people of the world during our history.  We committed genocide against the Native Americans.  WE used slaves to build our country and denied even the freed slaves rights for a long time.  We imprison primarily minorities even today.  We have supplied aided terrorists in many places in the world.  WE have killed many millions of people in Asia especially.  WE have little room to criticize anyone.

  8. You are confused.

    You want it to be "fair".

    There is no "fair".

    It is convenient, it is strategic, it is effective.

    Our economic policies are the same.

    Politics and economics aren't a checker game.  The complexities would boggle you.

  9. I feel as if there is very little we should be saying right now.  The whole world knows of China's problems and human rights violations, they also know about our problems as well.

    We also can't really bite the hand that feeds us, most of our entire economy is in the Asian market right now, until we learn to go back to doing things ourselves at the right price, we should just keep our mouths shut.

    * I completely agree with speckofdust

  10. No, it isn't.

    And we don't wait; it is something that we've consistently done over the years.

    The Olympics is an important venue, with all the world watching, at which to reiterate the point.

    There is too much trade with China to just cut it off. That would do significant harm to our own economy and would do nothing to change China's abuse of human rights.

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