
Is it not possible to go a week without hearing from that odious little woman, Shami Chakrabarti?

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Now the bl*oody woman is thinking of suing a government minister.




  1. Sorry I've been meditating in my garden's cave - whose Shami Chakrabarti?

  2. I think you are the ones with the problem - if you are ever locked up without charge and denied legal representation it won't be Shami Chakrabarti's doing!

  3. I very rarely watch programmes of a Political nature but over the last few weeks I have spotted this little woman on the TV screen.The powers behind the power are very clever at the art of subterfuge.They know that the more we see the more we revile.They also know that Charkrabarti will have a messianic personality disorder and will need that inflated delluded ego fed constantly.Charkrabarti probably goes home to her gaff and relaxes of an evening with a compilation of her defining moments on a hard drive were she can lie back and fantasies about being the Joan of Arc of Islamic Jihadist freedom.I bet Osama has posters of his favourite pin up girl plastered all over the cave.I'd personnaly make her stay locked in a room with the massicated destroyed body parts of people who have died at the hands of the people she espouses freedom for.One day someone will stand up and drive these people into the sea.They deserve it and they are an insult to freedom and democracy as well as being ungrateful to their host country.I suggest she quickly ***** of to some sand hole in some country were woman have no freedom except in the silence of their thoughts and then stand up shouting about liberty.She'll get her Messianic complex catered too quicker than she thought.The more you expose this type of individual the more you reduce thier importance.The boys on the South bank are not stupid.

  4. I like her, I think Question Time is better when she's on, I agree with her politics.

    I don't know the story about the minister - but suing politicians seems fair enough - politicians really are odious

  5. Wonderfull Woman.

    She needs to be stuffed, mounted and put on show.

    And I don't mean in any nice way; more by a Taxidermist.

  6. Director of LIBERTY? Talk about missing the fcuking boat!!!

  7. yeah it is. i've heard nothing of her for 11 days. it's a record for me.

  8. Hahaha ........ I so agree with you. She'd defend Osama Bin Laden if she could saying we are infringing on his civil rights to commit terrorism.

  9. Blimey I thought I was the only one that felt that way about her, she really is a politically correct little crettin, she really does get far too much airtime

  10. Can't stand her! Maybe she should go to Zimbabwe and pester them!

  11. Have to agree, she gets right up my nose too....!

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