
Is it not sad that Tesco are putting more pressure on Mugabe than our own government?

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Fair play to Tesco for doing something useful and taking a moral stance by publicly stating they will not be importing any products from Zimbabwe. Thats as much they can do, and more than our government have done.




  1. The President of the U.S. has called for stiff sanctions on Zimbabwe. That, despite the fact that we had no role in creating that piece of geographic fiction out of the remains of a colony and had no role in the training of Robert Mugabe. Zimbabwe is a nation with two tribes within it that have no love for each other. They are the Shona and the Matabele. The Shona are a pastoral tribe. The Matabele more war-like because of their tribal and language ties to the Zulu.

    It was Mugabe who seized farm land from white farmers who were settlers in that nation from the days when it was the colony of Rhodesia. Zimbabwe was the "bread basket" of Southern Africa. Now, it is an economic "basket case". When those seizures occurred, the current U.S. administration was not even in power. But, the current Labor party government of the nation which created this piece of geographic fiction and even gave a knighthood to Mugabe (Great Britain) is still in power. Pick on the Brits for a solution. They created this mess. Let them sort it out!

  2. Ok, i won't buy my Zimbabwean pork and beans. lol. But why do those African leaders do effectively nothing except a few weasle words? A vast continent terrified of one old man in his mid-80's; it's PATHETIC !!

  3. Three cheers for Tesco!For making a stand against this tyrant Robert Mugabe!

  4. There can never be too much pressure on that lunatic....he has the same mentality as papp doc duvalier and idi amin,etc. What gov't.? do we have one....? I hadn't noticed....thought they were a bunch of highland sheepherders masquerading...!

  5. Well tesco have to do something right....

    But anywho i think it is very sad that tesco is doing more than a whole government.

  6. its a begining to the end of Mugabe good ole Tesco

  7. The Governments of the world have done enough in fact more than enough & with the aid given to the country so they can fully destroy all the remnants of white civilisation.

    If the USA & UK would not of placed sanctions on Rhodesia & forced the world to do the same, we would not be in this situation.

    The spread of Marxism is now complete in sub-Saharan Africa & we can all see the results.

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