
Is it not the proper time to review the working of World Bank and its Prsident's selection method?

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Is it not the proper time to review the working of World Bank and its Prsident's selection method?




  1. Zoellick is another crony.  Served as foreign policy advisor (joke) and served on advisory boards for ENRON!!!   Here is a person that has served Washington and Enron as an advisor.  We all know how bad the "foreign policy" is.. we also know what happened to Enron.    I'm not sure this man gives such good advice.    

    Bush would have picked Kenny Boy Lay.. but he's dead.

  2. dear bob a for a$$hole...ken lay was clinton's GOLF Buddy!!! sittin on a board is not the accounting or consulting branch of the company..the board was lied to as well.  get your facts straight moron...ron brown died on a mission to get an enron project off the ground and to run their pipeline through serbia...gray davis of california another enron gore? occidental petroleum..the buddies he sold our national strategic reserves to in elk hills....cause big oil is only republicants right? moron.

  3. yes i think so! i believe a new President is just now taking over  and selected by Mr Blair //i might be wrong but i'm sure i heard that on TV

  4. Since the World Bank is a political instrument of US foreign policy, it is hard to see how the appointment of its president can be done any differently. It could not be made an open process where the best and most qualified person was appointed because he/she may not agree with US foreign policies. At the moment, it is a gift to the US incumbent president's crony and not necessarily the best person for the job is given it. That's why the World Bank has such a poor record on most counts - environmental, corruption, effectiveness, etc. The present one that's soon to leave is a standing joke - Shaha ha ha ha!

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