Should our governments make the crime of using terrorism against the country they are supposed to be a citizen of . USA, Canada,UK,Australia and Europe all give these people and their families a better life than they had in their own countries. yet they plan attrocities against the countries that have given them these freedoms. who thinks that if they commit an act of terrorism that the whole of their family be deported soon as they are found guilty. please dont come up with the you cannot blame the family 7/7 showed wives brothers fathers all knew about what was going to happen long before. Deporting everyone they care about may make them think twice. It would be a safer way and when they go from these shores they will apreciate what they have lost.God Bless the Freedoms we enjoy and Bless the Troops in the wars. may they be protected and only shoot the bringers of terror. Go USA and the Allies.