
Is it not time we buried Princess Diana?

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Before the insults start let me say that I thought she was pretty, s**y, nice figure, lovely temperament, thoughtful and caring.

But after ten years, has her memory not been milked enough? Is it the fault of tv and newspapers that we have to blame for this, it`s getting quite boring now.

I have known many, many women of the same ilk and there`s a lot more like her out there, but.....

Is it not about time we moved on? And saved her two sons from further harassment?




  1. why should we?

    she was killed by the establishment on the order of that greek husband of the queen because she was going to have a baby fathered by a rich muslim.

  2. I think her memory should live on just to torture Charles!  I agree with the latter of your statement!

  3. The media attention surround Diana, Princess of Wales is very active right now because of the 10 year anniversary of her death. Her sons have also encourage part of that because of the concert they held in her honor. Diana was a very charismatic person and the press only printed pictures of her because that's what the public wanted. Its hard to say why she was so very very popular but it carries on after her death and as long as the public wants it the media will deliver.

  4. I was going to say something similar to Afallon. yes of course bury her! please. nasty

  5. I think there's still more to the story.

  6. i agree it's about time she was allowed to rest in peace.

  7. i agree completely. i've always been told not to start a row with somebody who's not there to defend themselves. people should just let that poor woman rest in peace like they had agreed at her funeral... the media are suggesting that she was terrible, but she was a good person. look at all the volunteering she did to destroy land mines.

  8. Very true, i agree that we should remember her but not too over the top, there's are more important issues in the world we need to address.

  9. Yep!

  10. she was rich and married into royalty, so you know how that goes. people will talk about her until on of her sons marry.

  11. So should we let her murder go un-punished?!

    I think not!

  12. I definitely agree with you.  It is nice to learn that another person in this world looks more at the feelings of the family.  Unfortunately we are in the US where well-known types that have passed away are kept alive for quite some time.  I think Diana should be buried; however I believe we have to bury Hoffa, Elvis & Wellstone before her...

    I am not quite sure when people will realize that it is more respectable to just remember someone rather than to parade them around after they have gone.

    I wish you well!

  13. Yes i agree, let her rest in peace at last! Give her sons and family time to get over her death without the press intruding and stirring up the past!

  14. So good to hear from someone who actually knew her... Oh, all those comments were just your opinions?

    Well that's the trouble, isn't it? Everyone has a bloody opinion and in today's moron-lead society opinions are counted as more important than truth.

    Her body will never, metaphorically, rest while this is the case.

  15. Yes, thank you!!! Let's let her rest in peace.

  16. What the h**l was in that coffin then??? Too true it's time, she must smell something rotten by now if she's still above ground.

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