
Is it notrmal to have a student/teacher crush?

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im really confused, a new teacher came to my school to teach music and i think i am crushing on him and i know it wrong but i cant help it. im ashamed of it but i always think about him, fantasize and look forward to his classes, has anybody had past experiences with this sort of thing?




  1. Yes its normal...I did and now that I'm 18 and out of that school Him and I are great friends..However Do NOT...I repeat DO NOT make any advances or try to act on it. A friend did that and ended up almost being expelled and the teacher almost ended up fired  

  2. Crushing a teacher is very normal.  What's not normal is when they crush you back. Having a crush on someone is the first step in learning what love really is. Enjoy the moment while it lasts. But whatever you do, don't act on your feelings. Keep your feelings between you and your friends, but do not let the teacher know about it.

  3. Haha yeah when your at your teens your hormones are not balanced yet. I have been through the same thing. I had/have a crush on a teacher of mine. You are just experimenting with your emotions, even though you don't know it =) Haha just stick with fantisizing with him. Don't try anything or both of you could end up in some trouble

  4. Not myself, but another student/teacher at school. It was a peer tutor and a teacher. After the peer tutor who was a senior got outta high school, they got married. I wouldn't encourage it. You sound young. He's probably really charismatic, everybody likes him. I've had a lot of teachers that I really liked a lot, and I look forward to their classes. I don't think that it's not normal, I just don't think that anything serious is going to happen... sorry...

  5. yes, it's normal.

  6. it happened to me

    my 4th grade teacher was wonderful

    when i was in 5th grde i had A HUGE crush on him

    i <3ed him

    he was really hot and i thought he was soo sweet and nice

    he was 27 at the time and i was 11 lol

    i stll like him to this day

    but he moved from connecticut to california

    i always would say hello to him in the hallway

    but i knew he really liked me as a student well actually i his fav student he told me and we were really close

    it was really hard to say bye

    but i dont think its weird but u shouldn't tell ur friends cuz i told some of my BFF and they just laughed and thought it was gross and stupid

    but i really liked him I always htought bout him during classes and like evry other morning beofre skool started i would always say hey to him  but i dont think u should feel ashamed about it

    its just ur own feelings and emotion

    hope i helped!!!

  7. If you  write to you will get  free guidance by a qualified psychologist freely

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