
Is it o.k. to attend your class reunion if you did not graduate?

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I would love to see all of the guys I went to high school with in California, a great way to do that would be at the reunion, but I did not graduate. I dropped out my senoir year and went to work. I got my GED about five years after high school and I am doing well with my career as a construction estimator. Would it be o.k. to try to attend? Or is it even allowed?




  1. I'm from Australia, which works very differently. We have primary school (years 1 to 7, aged 5 to 12) and high school (years 8 to 12, aged 13 to 17). After this is university (if you want to go!). In Australia, if someone dropped out some time around year 11 or 12, I reckon it would be fine to try and attend the reunion. Besides, who would remember? It's unlikely someone would say: "Hey, you didn't graduate. Get out, you b*****d!" Well done on getting your GED by the way! (I don't know what that it is, but it sounds good)

  2. My ex husband never graduated and still goes to what would have been his graduating class reunion.

  3. Of course you can go.  You attended that school and were in that class so go and see all your former classmates and have a great time!

  4. I was on the committee for three of my class reunions. We let anyone who had ever been a member attend; those who transferred out before they graduated, transferred in after 9th grade and the ones who went all 4 years. Usually if you buy a ticket they let you attend. One year a fellow who had been in the class below us (that is, he was a sophomore when we were juniors) came. He had taken a lot of advanced classes with us

    It would be an awfully snooty group to refuse your money. Call and ask, but I'd bet 10:1 they will be happy to see you.

  5. It would be a great way for you, but it would not be in the spirit of what the reunion is truly about.  Usually there is a committee that contacts graduates to give them details of the upcoming event, or lists them on a website.  You could always contact the coordinator and ask if you could be included . . . the worst they would say is no.

  6. I was in the same boat as you are in 1955. I didn't graduate with my class, and got my GED 2 years later when I was in the Army. I was always part of the class, even being on reunion committee's for many years after. I have created our class website, in which keeps my classmates in touch. I have gone to every reunion, every 5 years since 1955, your classmates will accept you with open arms, do it, have fun.

  7. Absolutely you can attend and should if you're wanting to go.  The reunion is for those who attended the school, not just those who graduated.  Go and have a great time.

  8. My class invited everyone, including people that didn't graduate, people that moved before senior year, and a few that dropped out as early as freshman year, so I think it probably depends on the reunion organizers and there thoughts on the subject. Make sure some of your former classmates have your e-mail and postal address and they will probably get you on the list.

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