
Is it o.k. to use a home remedy in my adult cats itchy ear?

by  |  earlier

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just to get him some relief until monday, would some sort of oil, 1 drop.. help.....




  1. Apply a little Virgin Cocconut Oil using a cotton bud, this kills pathogenic microbes like yeasts, bacteria and viruses, and plus my cat loves it, can't get enough of the oil, do not be suprised if the cat begins to eat all the cocconut oil out of the pot, this is good for them, due to its anti-microbial properties and fatty acids, give a teaspoon for consumption.

    Alternatively, if you don't have virgin cocconut oil at home, then make a paste out of Baking Soda, add a little lupe warm water, and apply to the ear with a cotton bud gently, this is a alkali solution, which bacteria cannot thrive in, and thus die or stop growing, this will reduce the itching.

    Animals know whats good for them, its intuition, sadly humans are losing this more and more, day by day.

    Hope this helps.

  2. Yes. A little bit, externally, not so much it goes into the ear. Whether or not caused by mites, keep in mind the underlying problems is an energetic disruption that compromises its immune system. Stress often contributes, especially for kitties. Homeopathy can help, if you want to go a step further.

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