
Is it obligitory for men to grow beards in Islam?

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Some Quranic verses, hadiths, and/or research would be nice. Also, no one in my family has beards so...




  1. It is not obligatory, but most  middle eastern men like to grow beards because it reminds them of their mothers.

  2. No you dont have too but it is a sunnah an its good to follow the phrofet because he is the closest to allah and there for the most guided

    salemmualkum wa rahmatul allah

  3. For a Muslim man to keep a beard is the upholding the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammah(SAW).

    The sweetness of Faith can be experienced only by adopting the way of the Sunnah in day to day life.

    Hazrat Umer(RA) reported the Prophet as saying: "Do the opposite of what the polytheists do; let the beard grow long and clip the moustaches."(Bukhari and Muslim)

    All the Prophets of ALLAH(SWT) from Adam(PBUT) to Muhammad(SAW), as well as all the Sahaaba and their followers had beards.

    The Prophet(SAW) said: "Ten things are relevant to the nature of a Muslim man (1) to clip the moustaches; (2) to keep the beard; (3) to use Miswaak . . ."

    "Tibrani" has reported on the authority of Ibn-e-Abbas(RA) that the Prophet said: "Any one who shaved, he has no claim to the mercy of ALLAH(SWT).

    Allama Aiani in 'Sharah Hidaya' has quoted a Hadith-i-Qudsi...which says that there are some angels who all the time praise ALLAH(SWT) for having graced men with beards.

    The Prophet(SAW) said:"He who holds fast to my Sunnah, when my people are in a corrupt state will have the reward of a hundred martyrs."

    Al-Hadith: "Do not stare at the beardless youth."(Hadith)

    Al-Hadith: "Beware of beardless youth for they are a greater source of mischief than young maidens."(Hadith)

  4. It's recommended, check this site for more interesting thigns on Islam:

  5. itz Sunnah!

    itz good 4 men 2 grow beard...but...itz a option....

    nywayz....i dnt think guyz look attractive with long beards....

  6. MOST schools od thought and the huge majority of scholars believe that growing a beard is wajib. wajib is almost as equivalent to fardh...and also the Prophet s.a.w curses a man who cuts/shaves his beard. besides, not having a beard is so feminine.

  7. beard is not a compulsion,in Islam and not decreed by Allah Allmighty in Glorious Quran..however in sunni and shia Islam it is different ,they say according to their belief in man made doctrine that beard is a compulsion...

    if you believe this is sunnah then what about this hadith ..

    Among the benefits of 'Ajwah dates is that they protect the person from any poison or magic. It is confirmed that whoever eats seven 'Ajwah dates of Madeenah every morning will be protected from poison and magic. The Prophet  said: "Whoever starts his day by eating seven 'Ajwah dates, he will not be harmed by any poison or magic on that day." [Al-Bukhaari and Muslim] Another narration reads: "Whoever eats seven dates from within the vicinity of Madeenah no poison will harm him until the evening." [Muslim]

    Ibn Al-Atheer said: ''Ajwah dates are a kind of date whose colour is blackish, and it was initially sowed by Prophet  with his own hands in Madeenah.'

    Al-Khattaabi said: ''Ajwah dates, being beneficial in protecting against poison and magic, is due to the blessing of the supplication of the Prophet  for the dates of Madeenah and not to any peculiarity in the dates.'

    could any one prove this hadith by eating 7 ajwah dates and then drinking poison ?

    would any sunni dare ?

    [3:94] Those who fabricate false prohibitions after this, and attribute them to GOD, are truly wicked.

    "Tibrani" has reported on the authority of Ibn-e-Abbas(RA) that the Prophet said: "Any one who shaved, he has no claim to the mercy of ALLAH(SWT).

    tibrani forgot to read the following verses or perhaps he didnt know arabic or never understood Glorious Quran

    Righteousness is NOT in Keeping beard.

    3:104,3:110, 3:114; 4:114; 9:71,9:112; 31:17; 96:12

    2:177,2:197; 3:92; 7:26; 23:61; 40:40

    2:203,2:223,2:234; 5:2; 6:155; 7:65; 8:1; 16:90; 20:113; 22:77; 33:70; 34:11; 64:16; 65:10

    9:67; 50:25

    6:158; 7:156; 21:73; 46:15; 47:17; 48:26

    5:12; 57:11,57:18; 64:17; 73:20


    2:25; 3:15; 4:57,4:122,4:124; 5:9; 7:156; 12:57,12:90; 20:75,20:82; 21:94; 22:14; 27:89;

    28:80,28:84; 39:61; 41:30; 65:2,65:4; 99:7

  8. Yea, but there are some Asians that CAN'T grow facial hair


  9. It's sunnah- recommened.

    It's not Farad- Obligotory.

  10. well see what does 1 mean by sunnah?  

    some sunnah is obligatory, and some is good to do.  This one clearly says, "let the beard grow, trim the mustache short", and one should strive in achieving so.


    SahihalBukhari (The Book of Dress)

    No. 5512  - Narrated Nafi': Ibn Umar said, The Prophet said, 'Do the opposite of what the pagans do. Keep the beards and cut the moustaches short.' Whenever Ibn 'Umar performed the Hajj or 'Umra, he used to hold his beard with his hand and cut whatever moustaches. Ibn Umar used to cut his moustache so short that the whiteness of his skin (above the upper lip) was visible, and he used to cut (the hair) between his moustaches and his beard.

    No. 5513  - Narrated Ibn 'Umar: Allah's Apostle said, "Cut the moustaches short and leave the beard (as it is)."

    SahihMuslim (The Book of Purification) CHARACTERISTICS OF FITRA

    No. 498 Ibn Umar said: The Prophet of Allaah (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: Trim closely the moustache, and let the beard grow.

    No. 502 'A'isha reported: The Messenger of Allaah (sallAllaahu alayhi wa sallam) said: Ten are the acts according to fitra: clipping the moustache, letting the beard grow, using the tooth-stick, snuffing water in the nose, cutting the nails, washing the finger joints, plucking the hair under the armpits, shaving the pubes and cleaning one's private parts with water. The narrator said: I have forgotten the tenth, but it may have been rinsing the mouth.

    "It is not for a believer, man or woman, when Allâh and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allâh and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error." Ahzab 33:36

    “Adhere to my Sunnah” and “Whoever neglects my Sunnah does not belong to me.” ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) narrated that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no Prophet whom Allaah sent to any nation before me, but he had disciples from among his nation, and companions who followed his Sunnah and obeyed his commands.”

    And to tell you the truth, I thought the same way about the beard as you are right now, but that comes from the customs and the environment.  That's how we start to choose our likings.  

    But! when we love Allah, and His Messenger, we learn to only like what they like, and dislike what they dislike.  It guides us to that which is better and more appropriate.

    The beard is more natural for a man to have than not have, like long/medium hair is more natural for a woman to have than not have.

  11. Shaykh 'Alee Hasan al-Halabee

    Hukm-ud-Deen fil-Lihyaa wat-Tadkheen (pg. 29-32)

    The majority of the scholars of Fiqh have asserted the forbiddance of shaving the beard. Some of them have stated that it is makrooh (disliked), however this ruling would be applied many times by them to forbidden things. This is because the people (scholars) of the past would designate the term makrooh (disliked) for Haraam (unlawful), as has been transmitted from them in the books of Usool-ul-Fiqh (The Principles of Jurisprudence). [1]

    1. The great scholar, Ibn Hazm Al-Andalusee said: “They – i.e. the Imaams – have unanimously agreed that shaving the beard is disfiguring (of Allaah’s creation) and it is not permissible.” [2]

    2. Shaikh-ul-Islaam Ibn Taimiyyah said: “Shaving the beard is unlawful (Haraam).” [3]

    3. Ibn ‘Aabideen, from the notables amongst the Hanafee scholars – said: “It is forbidden for the man to cut his beard – i.e. to shave it.” [4]

    4. Al-‘Adawee, one of the elite among the Maalikee scholars, said: “It has been quoted from Maalik that he considered it makrooh (disliked) to shave what was below the palate, such that he said: ‘It is from the actions of the Majoos (fire-worshippers)…likewise it is forbidden to stop the growth of the beard.” [5]

    Ibn ‘Abdil-Barr said in At-Tamheed: “It is forbidden to shave the beard. And no one does it except for those effeminate ones amongst the men.” [6]

    5. Shaikh Ahmad bin Qaasim Al-‘Ibaadee, one of the prestigious Shaafi’ee scholars, said: “Ibn Ar-Rif’ah said in Haashiyat-ul-Kaafiyah: ‘Imaam Ash-Shaafi’ee stated in (his book) Al-Umm that it is forbidden to shave the beard. Likewise, Az-Zarkashee, Al-Hulaymee in Shu’ab-ul-Eemaan, and his teacher, Al-Qaffaal Ash-Shaashee in Mahaasin Ash-Sharee’ah, stated that it was forbidden to shave the beard.” [7]

    6. As-Safaareenee, one of the notables amongst the Hanbalee scholars, said: “The view that is approved of and sanctioned in the (Hanbalee) madh-hab is: The forbiddance of shaving the beard.” [8]

    7. Many of the contemporary scholars have ruled that shaving the beard is forbidden, such as:

    ‘Abdul-Jaleel ‘Eesaa, ‘Alee Mahfoodh, ‘Abdul-‘Azeez bin Baaz, Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee, Muhammad Sultaan Al-Ma’soomee, Ahmad ‘Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Bannaa As-Sa’aatee (watch-repairer), Abu Bakr Al-Jazaa’iree, Al-Kandahlaawee, ‘Abdur-Rahmaan bin Qaasim, Isma’eel Al-Ansaaree and many others.



    [1] You must also see what the great scholar Ibn Al-Qayyim wrote in his book I’alaam-ul-Muwaqqi’een (1/39-43) and Badaa’i-ul-Fawaa’id (4/6).

    [2] Maraatib al-Ijmaa’ (157); also see Al-Muhallaa (2/189)

    [3] Al-Ikhtiyaaraat al-‘Ilmiyyah (pg. 6)

    [4] Radd al-Muhtaar (3/418)

    [5] Al-‘Adawee’s notes to Sharh Risaalah Ibn Abee Zayd (2/411); Also see Hukm-ul-Liyhah fil-Islaam of Shaikh Muhammad Al-Haamid (pg. 17)

    [6] Adillatu Tahreem Halq-il-Lihyah (96)

    [7] ibid.

    [8] Ghadhaa-ul-Albaab

  12. idk

  13. It is sunnah wajib.  That means obligatory but not fard.  

    The difference is basically that not doing something that is fard removes one from the fold of Islam.  Not doing something that is sunnah wajib does not remove you from the fold of Islam but is a punishable sin.  

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