
Is it obvious when someone has a crush on you?

by Guest58186  |  earlier

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Is it obvious when someone has a crush on you?




  1. For me, it's always been easy to read.

    Even if every guy's different, I don't know..I can just tell.

  2. Like someone said it has ALOT to do with body language and how receptive they are to you. Mostly it has alot to do with YOUR ability to read other people's body language, because yea a person can talk to you alot and flirt... but that doesn't mean anything really, some people are just really flirtatous sometimes, I know I am (I know it's cruel, I'm trying to stop sorry!). But yea, here are the basics whether they are shy or confident:

    1. Eye movement- are they always looking at you, it could be direct eye contact or just you catching them looking at you.

    2. Are they bodies (limbs-arms, legs, hands) facing in your general direction... I read this in a magazine and find this generally to be too.

    3. Are they receptive... meaning do they listen to you, do they pay attention to you, notice and remember little things... it doesn't have to necessarily significant it could be something like a unique bracelet.

    Okay these aren't set in stone but observations gathered from my experience, ( I can ALWAYS tell when a guy is crushing on me, or even slightly interested).

    Ultimately, it comes down to your judgment and senses, and how well you read people. Personally I just look at it as though every guy could be interested and if they don't ...Oh well their loss!

    Good Luck

  3. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    They get touchy, crack bad jokes, try to impress u, and always smile.

    If you like them back, the bad jokes are great regardless. hehe

  4. Depends on the person who has the crush. They might be really reclusive or they might be really obvious about it.  

  5. depends if they are confident or shy:

    if they are confident:

    -they would talk to you a LOT

    -make eye contact and not look away

    -flirt heaps

    if they are shy:

    -they would talk to you and ask how you shyly

    -when making eyecontact they will quickly look away

    -would giggle at your jokes

    just some tips

    good luck....sometimes you just dont know and your left wondering....thats life i guess.....wishing u the very best!

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