
Is it obvious when the baby 'drops'?

by Guest57173  |  earlier

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Will I be able to tell or feel it? I think the correct term is Lightening or Engagement.




  1. I have three kids, I didn't notice the baby dropping with any of them.

  2. I've heard it is to some women but to others its not. People have made some comments to me about looking like the baby has dropped but I never felt anything that made me know it dropped all of the sudden. So I don't know. But my guess is that it can happen little by little and may not be noticeable to you.

  3. I do not know about other pregnant women but I could tell that my baby has dropped. One morning my belly was no longer holding up my b*****s. It was kind of weird. Everyone around me says they can tell the difference too.

  4. When my sister's baby dropped, she felt a whole lot of pressure in her crotch, because when her's dropped it dropped right down into the birth canal and it wasn't long after that that she went into labour.

  5. I never realized when it happened, my doc told me when it did. But it was my first and I didnt know much....

  6. I never realized when my belly "dropped" but other people noticed.

    I didn't even know until my mum was like "oh so you've dropped".

  7. There's usually a thud.

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