
Is it odd for a mother to still be bathing her 12 year old son?

by Guest184  |  earlier

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Would you find it odd for a mother to still be checking in on him during his bath and occasionally washing his hair, and who comes in when he is done; blow dries his hair, uses the hairspray on his hair to bring out the lighter blonde, and to help put lotion on the hard places to get e.g back, face shoulders and feet?

Would you feel it was odd, or normal? If he is clothed while she comes in when she is helping out.




  1. Doris:
    I am thinking Anne P,  is right. Maybe not 5 or 5 because boys don't do a good bath that soon. However I am still bathing my almost 12 year old son. He enjoys it and looks forward to it. My GF warned me often not to keep doing it. I didn't listen. Although he has always had erections when I handle his p***s, he has grown a lot down there so its substantial to be feeling it., and lately he has been asking me to keep handling it long after its been washed. I see the look in his face and realize its now a sexual enjoyment for him. H feels free to be nude in front of me anytime too. No normal shyness most boys get. My GF advised me its way past time to end this and tell him to be modest now. She came by one day and caught him in the living room nude. He is close to his teens. IT really got away from me. I hope he isn't badly effected by my behavior.

  2. i am 16 years old and my mom still bathes me everyday.  I dont find it strange at all when my mom bathes me. Sometimes I shower with my dad.I also find it fun

  3. As long as she enjoys it, that's all that matters.

  4. Not only is it okay, but if he has any younger sisters, they should be invited to help wash.  It's a good way for girls to learn about boys, under the supervision of their mothers.

  5. You need to stop this immediately-its is wrong wrong wrong-5 or 6 is usually the age where this stops. You your going to s***w up the boy emotionally MOM!!!! Listen to the little voice in your hear-No No NO NO!

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