
Is it odd for a teenage girl to want a family at 17?

by Guest34463  |  earlier

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I'm 17, and i would love to have a husband and a baby. I'd do anything to have those two. So I'm just wondering if it is odd for a 17 year old to want that. Please be nice.




  1. it is not odd to want a family... but it is not all cookies and cream.  (it will not be like "leave it to beaver" or "everybody loves raymond")

    husbands and kids are hard!!!

    If you want kids, I would suggest getting a job at a daycare for a little while and see what kids are really about

    it might be give you a glimpse of what you think you want and what you really want

  2. It's not odd but there's def. something that is trigering these emotions. Maybe you missed out on your own family. I say wait, you have your whole life ahead of you there's no need to rush things. Try to date for a few years, at some point you will find someone who will want to marry you and have a family. This is def. the key "finding that someone who shares the same emotions" enjoy your youth for now and then worry about a family later.

  3. It's good to want that, but wait.  U don't want that now, but later. Chances are that your not rdy.  If you had a kid could you support them?  Go to collage, get a good job, a husband, and your good.  So wait 6-7 years. It will come. For now just enjoy being a kid [well young adult]  Soon when your 25-30 you will want to be 17, single [if u r] and just enjoying life!

  4. Of course its not odd! Just last year i was considering having s*x with a boy who liked me just to have a baby! And i was only 14! I mean i wouldn't recommend what i was thinking of doing. Try to find a guy that you can trust first before thinking about having a baby.

    I know im 2 years younger than you and you may not listen to me but, i hope i helped babe.

    Enjoy being young. I learned that when i wanted a baby. And it's paid off. I still want a baby, but when im older.


  5. i dont think its odd. If you think your mature enough to look after a baby, and to be able to cope with a husband then go a head. but you still have years and years to expiereance lots of things, think that you will have to change its nappy, clean sick up, buy clothes, ect. your a young girl, shouldent you want to go partieing or stuff ;)    Hope i helped

  6. It is not odd. I've seen too many Maury Provich shows dealing with that situation. lol

    I say wait. It may look glamorous, but in the end it's not. Take it from me- go to college first and find yourself (college is more than just academics and partying; it's also a place where you can learn more about you and what you want out of life without parental interference). If by then you still feel you want a child, make sure it's with a man you BOTH love and KNOW is going to help take care of that child. If not, then while your intentions may be good, you may have wanted a child for the wrong reasons.

  7. I had a baby when i was 17 and another when i was 19. That is a great thought, having a husband and a child and everything being happy but its a fantasy. Things dont always turn out great but the odds of you picking the right guy to have a family with and becoming the best version of yourself are alot higher if you wait. Its great you want those things but take it from me because Ive been there. I wish I would have waited... I love my kids but they are part of a broken family and i have guilt. Im not saying that will be you, that could be you even if you wait till your 40. It's not odd for you to want that but I think you should enjoy being young and finding out who you are and having fun. and then when you find that perfect guy make plans for all of that. I'm only 23 and I sometimes feel like I missed out on alot of things. You should seriously wait but dont loose that dream.

  8. No, it's not odd. But it's not smart either.

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