
Is it ok, if the girl always pays the bill?

by  |  earlier

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every time these 2 persons hang out together. they are already lovers. the girl always pays the bill. if the guy has money, he would only pay his. is it ok?or not?




  1. oh no, the guy should deffinetly pay!!

  2. im not an old fashion girl at all, i dont care if the guy im with opens the door for me, asks me out first, etc. but i do believe its wrong to have one person in the relationship always pay the bill. the other person should at least offer to pay, especially if they have the money for it. if this was me i wouldnt go out for dinner with him anymore or i wouldnt offer up my cash because this seems to be turning into a free for all dinner for him instead of a nice date with the person he likes.

  3. Maybe he has less money available for just going out and doing things, if she's okay with it, it's not a problem.

  4. No when he has money he needs to pay for her too...He is a mooch

  5. He must really be good if she's always paying the bill.  

  6. I would think he would be able to cover at least his share of the bills.  If it was agreed that you would pay the bills, then its fine there, but if no agreement, he is just using you to live for free, and thats not right.

  7. Depends... But where im from no this is not normal...... If she has paid both than he should pay both..... I can understand if at times he does not have the moeny and if she offeres than that is okay but I honestly think he should return the favor... Anyways have a nice weekend  

  8. yea, i mean its ok for the girl to pay once in a while, but not every time yall go out even if she offers. it shows maturity if you pay even if you are just friends  

  9. It's ok for her to pay sometimes but if they're lovers it would nice for him to treat her once in awhile. Why should she pay for her and himself sometimes and when he has money he pays for just himself. He needs to show her appreciation by paying for her sometimes...  

  10. I think that they should split it or switch off paying.

  11. i think i depends on who asked the person on the date if the guy asked her then he PAYS and if the girl ask the guy he still tries to PAY

  12. I don't think anyone really want to pay the bill. If guy do it too much it will sour the relationship. Even the girl do it  too much will sour the relationship.

  13. They need to switch back and forth. This will keep things even between them.  

  14. Whatever works for their relationship.  They must have some kind of agreement or knowledge of each others' financial situation where this is okay for them.

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