
Is it ok 2 kiss ur sister hello or goodbye or kiss her in general?

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my sis is 2 & a half years younger




  1. There is nothing wrong in kissing your sister. I have seen females in the same family give each other a kiss on the mouth. Some families are like that.

  2. sure

  3. it doesnt matter she's your sister, unless you have dirty feelings for her

  4. i think its fine espucially if its not sexual. but if you are having doubts about it being weird maybe you should just kiss her on the cheek?

  5. its a kiss of affection and you love your sister, so of course its ok.

  6. I would think so as long as it isn't sexual. I kiss myy siblings on the cheek.

  7. I'd say a kiss on the cheek is fine, but the lips could be kind of weird.

  8. As long as ill intentions are not, its alright. Its the same like kissing your mom or dad, Aunt Sue or Uncle Joe lol

  9. It's absolutely okay to kiss your sister..

    My sister and I are 8 1/2 years apart and we kiss hello and goodbye...

    And my brother and I kiss hello and goodbye too..

    I don't see ANYTHING wrong with that..

    you're family..

  10. of coarse its okay.


  11. There's nothing wrong with affection between siblings, as long as you're not planting a wet one right on her lips, tongue and all.

    I'm sure you can more or less feel the line between typical family affection and incest...

    In any case, there's nothing wrong with giving your sister a quick peck on the cheek. It's fairly normal, after all.

  12. Why wouldn't it be?  You shouldn't kiss open mouthed, actually if you are both past puberty, probably shouldn't kiss on the mouth at all.  But, a lot of families greet eachother with single or double kisses on the cheek.  Depends on your culture and your family.

  13. long as its a cheek kiss. if its on the lips then thats just nasty no offense.

  14. If it's a 'family kiss,' um, yeah?

    But sexual undertones are kind of taboo in modern day society...

  15. Of course shes your sister who came from your mother stomch.

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