
Is it ok 4 a 10 year old to read the twilight series???

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She is on the 2nd book and loves it she knows about s*x and where babies come from and she is going through puberty and things so she know about this stuff. but should she be reading this???




  1. It should be fine then... Though it'll cuss now and then, that doesn't bug everyone, but I don't like cussing x_x And the emotions the books words let out are very..intense..? It should be fine though...

  2. I think that it's perfectly okay for her to read them.

    I first read Twilight when I had just turned 11, so I was basically in the same situation as she is.

    I'm almost 14 now, and I'm soo glad that I read Twilight back then.

    Seriously, let her finish the series. If she's mature and understands everything, it's totally okay. Trust me. (:

  3. I think the first books are Okay, but there's a lot of s*x in Breaking Dawn.  I mean, it isn't explicit, but it is strongly implied.  There's a lot of sexual tension in the earlier books...steamy kisses and all that stuff...but in the last one, Bella and Edward are like rabbits.

  4. As long as she knows about that then I think it's completely fine for her to read them. They don't start really getting into that until the last book if she even gets that far. There really is nothing inappropriate in them.  

  5. yes she should im 13 ive read all the books, but i dont know .. i think all the books r okay and GOOD except maybe the fourth one it has a little more about s*x and there is one part thats really graphic and eewy i didnt even read bcuz bella is having a baby and like it is like riping its way out of her (cuz its part vampire) and all bloddy so thats the only bad part is ewiness but alot of ppl can handele it  

  6. Yes, that sounds fine to me. In the third book it gets a little bit into that, but only innuendos really. Nothing bad.

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