
Is it ok NOT to have a driver's license in you life in SF?

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I live in SF, a im completely ok with MUNI and the public transpo, but its it ok if i dont get a license until im like an adult or something? Or does it really just depend on your lifestyle?




  1. I would recommend getting one.

    You can get a license without going out and buying a car after all.

    Basically, if you do need to get a car, then you have to go through all the lessons and training which may not be feasible if you have to work and have commitments. If you do need a car, you could get a few refresher lessons and be on the road without any problems.

    Secondly, you may find that if you get a car, some insurers will look favourably on you if you have a license for several years even if you didn't own a car or drive.

    I think driving a car is a good skill to have so it think you should see about doing it.

  2. Of course it's OK.   If you don't need one, why get one?

    You're very fortunate to live somewhere where you don't need one.  And of course, if you do need one later at some point in your life for some reason, you can always get it.  

    But yeah, I don't see what the issue is.

  3. yes I'm 52 year old and I never got one either

    beside think of the gas money you are saving as well as insurance

    up kept of a car  they can run a pretty penny for sure

  4. San Francisco is one of the few cities in North America where is is possible to have a fine life without a drivers license. I live in Orange County and my daughter went to college in Pittsburgh which also has great transit service and she did not feel the need to get ther license until she was 20. And only because she was summering in LA with me.


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