
Is it ok after taking a shower or washing your hands if you put your hands in your fishtank?

by  |  earlier

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cus i took a shower and went in my room and saw some fry so i tryed to cath them and put them in the little fry net thingy and i accidentley put my fingers in the water




  1. Go wash the fish p**p off your hands and stop worrying...if you, however, dipped your body in the fish tank, go get back in the shower...

    If you are concerned about your hands contaminating the tank, you should be more worried about fish p**p contaminating your hands!

  2. um okk??? you should be ok just wash your hands  

  3. Make sure you wash off as much soap as possible with fresh water before you get out of the shower, or rinse your hands under fresh water for a while.

    If you can smell soap on your hands, go and rinse again. If you cant smell it, then there is so little left it will do no harm.

    Dont use hand creams before you mess about in the tank, who knows whats in them?


    Edit : wash you hands After the tank too, it's full of fish p**p,

    you can go crazy with the soap then. ;-)

  4. soap will kill fish i dont know about shampoo though

  5. there ok as long as there not in chlorine water for a while

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