
Is it ok at 14 planning your life out?

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i know i want to do sixth form, i know i want to go to uni & a specific one i want to go to, i know where i want to live, is that bad for a 14 year old to be planning at my age?




  1. Sounds smart to me! Wish I had the foresight to think ahead as you are... Good Luck, I'm sure you'll go far! =)

  2. sure its fine.

  3. yur 14_

    LIVE LIFE GET DRUNK ND PARTTYY! just live yur life as a kid dnt plan it out yett lmfao :D

  4. Its not a bad thing to have long-term goals, but don't create a plan that is so rigid that you give up having a life because you have to follow you "Plan".

  5. its fine as long as you have something known as flexibility in your life! trust me things happen like that and mess up your plan.

  6. No, but remember....

        "Life is what happens while you're making other plans."

    In a year you won't even recognize yourself from now.

  7. It's not a bad thing at all... you have direction in life which is good... but don't live your life stuck to this plan...

    You are only young and will probably change your mind a hundred times in the next few years!

    But good luck with it! x

  8. yeah. it is great to know where you want to go in life. just make sure your mind is still open to other options, because in a few years your interests could change.  

  9. Heya

    No its not a bad thing at all , however , most if not all of the things you say you will do now will not end up happening as you will change your mind and decide to go different ways.

    =] x*x

  10. It's not a bad thing, but don't expect everything to go exactly according to your plan.  I had a plan when I was about your age, I knew where I wanted to go to school, what I wanted to study, everything.  If I had stuck to that plan I would have been miserable.  I ended up at a totally different school with a totally different course of study (I originally wanted to study education, I ended up double-majoring in Nursing and Marketing).  It's good to have a plan, but remember to keep an open mind.  Life may take you someplace unexpected and if you are totally focused on a plan then you might miss it.

  11. of course not dude im 14 and do just the same ...

    theres nothing wrong in it you know...

  12. not at all i started planning when i was 13. im fifteen now and all that planning is really helping me set my goals and helps me achieve them. and with picking classes it helps alot.  

  13. Plan away baby!

    How can you reach for the stars if you can't see them?

    Stick to your plans, and you will hae the life you want. What could be better than that?

  14. It's good to have a plan in life even when you're young because that means you know where you want to go in life and you can start working towards that place earlier. But you have to keep in mind that changing your plan is okay too and that your life may not work out completely the way you want it to. But good job for being so smart to make goals for yourself so young. Good luck in life!

  15. no, everybody has the ideal situation or desire planned out when they are a teenager. Be Flexible though because in most cases things don't always turn out the way you planned it when you were 14.

  16. It is not bad to have plans but remember that you can not plan everything that will happen in the future and leave room for change.

    Good Luck

  17. No it is good you are looking ahead however keep in mind that not all things go according to plan so be prepared to have some detours along the way.

  18. I don't think so. My 13 year old step-daughter already knows the college she wants to attend and what she wants to major in.  Your mind might change when you get older and experience different things, but its great that you are already thinking about going college.  

  19. it's okay...but personally i like to live day by day.

    my only goals in life are to have a stable career and a family someday...

    as long as you know you'll be succesful then you're fine...just don't get ALL your hopes up because you never know what could happen in the upcoming years

    have a good life though!!!

  20. Is it and it is not uncommon either. As long as you understnad that your decisions are probably going to change. You may not feel that way now, but most likely they will. I am 26 and still do that to a certain extent. You "planning" is also called daydreaming.....and without your dreams you have nothing!

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