
Is it ok child 7 playing video games 4:30 am before school i no wife yes whos right?

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we both have to be at work so he gets up early to get dropped off at daycare he does some what ok in school but still needs lots of improvement.

i say your mind should be clear before school am i just to mean of am i right




  1. In our home, there are no video games.  We don't like the effect they have on kids.  We used to have a plug'n'play of 5 games that the boys got to play if they earned it.  When it broke, they weren't too sad.  

    If we were in your shoes, we would likely be setting out coloring books, K'Nex, reading books (even comic books), other toys, etc. to fill those early morning hours.

    Ultimately, I would side with you in the disagreement.

  2. there is no way a child should be up at 4 in the morning, no matter the reason. it should be 8-10 hours of sleep a day every day! ask yourself why your wife has such a need to pamper her son even tho am sure she knows it is wrong. those games should be withdrawn at once and restricted to weekends and holidays.

    remind yourselves that the flashing images, the adrenalin rush, the scenes that are unreal, etc all contribute to hyperactivity, low tolerance for school activity and living in a fantasy world. let him get excited about some other activity that builds him as a person.

    be the head of the household in this one even tho it makes u unpopular.

    Q:what is so special about his day care that he has to get up so early? is a child of 7 not already in school? perhaps we need some more details

  3. maybe a compromise would be good , let him play only if he does his homework or chores , something like that.

    Set tasks for him to do before school, if he gets them done , he can play.

    I dont think playing video games is bad unless it is effecting there school work.

    The time  he gets up isnt really an issue if thats  what hes use to, and hes getting enough sleep.

  4. I'd say only let him play video games if he does well in school.

  5. I think four thirty in the morning is not too good. That means he isnt getting a good nights sleep. Now if the child wanted to play for an hour - well that would not be so bad.

    Sometimes for this generation getting on the computer or video game is good = it gets their mind working, relaxes them before school and if they are up early to play - no more trouble getting them out of bed!

  6. Follow your gut!  I am sure your wife let him do this because she feels guilty that he is having to wake up so early.  Talk to her first and makes sure she understands that it is really doing more harm than good because he needs to get as much sleep as possible.  Transfer his video game time to after homework in the afternoon.

  7. i say NO

    because he needs improvement in school

  8. Well the poor kid has to get up at 4:30 in the morning so you two can go to work, Which means he is probably going to bed about 7:30 or so at night.  Which means he has about 3 hrs after school to eat, bath, and probably do home work.  

    By playing for 4:30 till he gets on the bus or dropped off at school, it is about 3 hrs of play a day.  A thats if he doesnt stop and eat breakfast.  or do anything else in that morning wait.    If his grades are fine, I wouldn't worry about it.  It's not his fault  the way his life is schedualed.  he has to play some time.

  9. A child needs that 10 hours of sleep.

    I agree with you! Playing a video game before he goes to school will interrupt his learning. When my son was in high school, he would set his alarm to get up to play video games before he left. When he had a test coming up... he could not concentrate, he told me all he could do is think about video games and playing a certain level and wishes he didn't play them. It's an addiction. My son is now in the Army and tells me, he is never going to let his children play video games before school. That's all they think about! try to limit their time, like after school. I would give one hour to play, then have them do their home work. The only reason why you should let them play before home work... is because, if they did their home work first, they would rush through it just so they can get to the game faster, you don't want them to rush through homework. Your wife is letting him just so she doesn't want to listen to him complain and whine. trust me, it's not good.

  10. Defo not there not good for him you should only let him play for an hour after homework etc

  11. Having done the baby-sitter before school thing when I was a kid, I don't see how it matters.

    He has to do something before school.  It's too cold and dark to be outside, and most other kids are probably still in bed.

    Personally, I thought morning kids' shows were absolutely mind-numbing.  At least if he's playing video games he's alert and using his reflexes and he is enjoying himself!

  12. no he shouldnt be

  13. I do not see,why it would hurt him. You both fussing is worse than anything.Pick your battles.Being stressed out, is the worst thing you can do.

  14. No.

  15. At 4.30am???? h**l no, mate!!!!!!

    I'm 15 so maybe don't know much about parenting but shouldn't he be asleep - ESPECIALLY if he needs improvement!!!

  16. NO games that early.... no way ... my kid tries it too, no way!

  17. Is he playing the games at your house (waiting to leave to go to daycare) or at day care.

    If it's at daycare then talk to them. Most daycare places don't even like kids playing computer/video games while there. If it's a daycare centre then try to get him to interact with the other children more. This will help him socially, and as a result may help him with his schooling.

    If it's at your house while waiting to go to daycare. I don't see a problem with it (unless it is making you late dropping him off, and for work.) Depending on the game it will probably help him get his brain active which will help him in school.

    what time does he go to bed. As other people have said children need roughly 8-10 hours a night.

    It depends where it is happening. If he is getting enough sleep he should be ok. If you want to improve on how he is doing in school, you could try getting some educational video games. Then he is working on the skills he needs to work on, and  having fun.

  18. It depends on what time he's getting to bed.  He needs a full 11 hours of sleep.  If he's in bed early and getting up early that seems fine.  Otherwise, you will need to tell him he can only play video games on the weekend.

  19. You are right. I have 4 kids and they are not allowed to play any electronics in the morning before school. In fact I wake them up so they have JUST enough time to get ready and head out the door. I want them focussed on the school day not the games. When they get home from school they need to do all homework first thing and then they have chores to do and they practice their instruments and THEN they can play video games and I still limit the time to 45 minutes per day on a school day.

  20. absolutely not. get him to sleep as long as he can. he needs to have a good routine and at that hour of themorning there should be no games just sleep.  even if he goes to daycare he doesnt need to get up that early. he wont learn properly in school with such a long day. he needs lots of sleep and lots to concentrate on learning.

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