
Is it ok for 2, 14 year olds to have...s*x?

by Guest62401  |  earlier

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  1. its not exactly seen as correct, and you should really think about this before you rush into it at fourteen.

    losing yuour viginity shouldnt just be for the sake of it.

    i would hold off until you know your ready, as it is illegal to have s*x if your under sixteen.

  2. well i started at 11

    im 17 now lol

    i thinks its fine as long as ur ready to do it

    and u r sure the first person u do it with is the rite one

    and protection

    good luck

    and thats when my girlfriend started

    she is 15 now and she is pregnant but

    i didnt wear protection and  she was on the pill

    but she wasnt takin it at the same time every day

    she took it everyday just not the same time.........

    .........just use protection all types

  3. you are obviously intelligent because you have asked.

    only YOU can decide but if you do be careful s*x can be enjoyable but pregnancy can be a real bummer at your age

    My advice think carefully before you both decide to have s*x and no matter what you decide learn about safe s*x  

  4. Definitely NOT!

  5. most people would say no...i'm 14 and i personally wouldn't but i know a ton of people my age who ahve with older people usually but not all the time. so i wouldn't but its a personal's not uncommon just make sure it's safe

  6. Hmm. My guess would be NO.

    I'm 14 also, and I am still waiting on that first kiss :)

    When you think your ready to have a baby, that's when you can have s*x.

    Good luck :)

  7. Definitly not, because it's not just s*x it's a commitment to someone and unless you want to take the chance of getting pregnant wait until u are a bit older... I am 29 and just had a baby and he is 4 weeks old and it's tougher than even i thought it would be, i haven't slept though the night yet, so unless you are ready for all that comes with it, please wait until u are truly commited to someone or you are alot older..

  8. I don't think its okay for anyone that doesn't love eachother to have s*x .

    If they really feel that they both love eachother and care for eachother ,

    and that they'd both be ready to get married and have a family together ,

    then go ahead have s*x .

    If they can't commit  to all of that without a thought against it ,

    then go ahead ,

    have s*x .  

  9. Is it okay for 2 14 year olds to have a baby, can 2 14 year olds buy a house for their baby to live in, can 2 14 year olds even get a job, NO! So then no it's not okay for them to have s*x... seriously if your asking this question for yourself, then think, can you do any of these things, if you can't (and you honestly know you cant) then you dont need to have s*x!

  10. Unless you feel the need to drop  out of highschool,work 3 jobs just to support your child.  

  11. as long as you are safe and understand exactly what you are doing. if you are asking is it legal, then no, it's not. i had s*x when me and my boyfriend were 14 but we had known each other for 3 years, been best friends for 1 year and been dating for 10 months and that was okay, but it depends on the situation so please take caution and use protection if you decide to have s*x.  

  12. h**l NO. They are way too young to do this, not only will they not ever stay together and be emotionally messed up, but do they have jobs and the means to care for their inevitable baby? Don't think so. NO NO NO NO NO.

  13. are you old enough for a baby? oh but thats when im wrong because silly little children like you get pregnant and dont now what to do so the first thing that comes to mind is abortion. obviously when that comes to mind, its not ok to have s*x at 14.  

  14. s*x is only for married couples.  2 - 14 is too young to be married.

  15. Absolutely not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  16. NO

    Why would you want to have s*x when you are just fourteen. That is seriously to young. You cannot handle the emotions behind. You will regret it.

    If you got pregnant(boy? girl?) or got a girl pregnant, what are you going to do???

    If you are ready to have babies then it's okay to have s*x

  17. No. You're still kids yourself. If you got a girl pregnant (or got pregnant idk if ur a girl or a guy) then you would depend on your parents. Do you have a house? Do you have a job? Do you have money? Only have s*x when you have all 3 of those things.

  18. I'm not one to talk, but i lost my virginity at 15 and really regret it.

    I wasnt at all emotionally ready. Just wait, s*x doesnt change anything.

  19. FOURTEEN?!

    Dude, That's nuts. At least wait til you're in love. And believe, You aren't in love.

    If any fourteen year old says "I'm in love" I seriously want to punch them in the face because they don't know what true love is.

  20. too young. wait until marriage.

    think of the consequences.

    don't just try it because you like it.  

  21. s*x isnt nessecary its just for pleasure at your age. if you do it at this age you'l get bored. and one of you will end up emotionally hurt out of it. lots of kids mess around and dont use protection or use it correctly and get infections or become pregnant.

    do whatever you want kid, but

    remember its illegal and there are consequences.

    use a condom.  

  22. your way to young save it for something special atleast wait till your 16 or 17....or dont even no what to do yet...after its gone you never get it back...

  23. No, you're too young and you guys don't know what you're doing. Unless, you guys want a baby..Wait a few years..  

  24. yes its ok if you both agree to having s*x

    little chance of the girl getting pregnant   so go for it  you dont need condom

  25. you know what. Nobody can answer that then yourself and your partner.

    Honestly: No, it is not acceptable socially, and by law it is illegal. You have to be 16.

    Personally: I have no regrets because life is far to short for that. BUT i lost my virginity when i was 14 and it wasnt what i expected. It was painful and i didnt enjoy it at all.

    The best thing you can do is wait! For your sake and his/her sake.

    Also Take into onsideration PREGNANCY! what if you both fall pregnant? you are both far too young to look after a child and you would have to rely on your parents and thnat is really unfair.

    Just think about it! And if you are wear protection or have some type of contraception.


    "if you play with fire you might get burnt"

  26. I don't think that, that is a question for anyone else besides you to answer.  If you feel the need to ask that question you are obviously not ready.  s*x is not a game.  People (including older people, people in marriages) get hurt over s*x.  There are too many things that can go wrong, AIDS really kills so if I were you, I would think long and hard before I had s*x, no matter what age you are.

  27. NO !  Absolutely need to save yourselves for the person you will marry one day.  Wise up.  Make good choices for a change.

  28. No to young;...

  29. it depends its all opion but it also is against the law in most states if people found out they can get you and your partner locked up. i got pregnant at 14 by a 19 year old and in the state of indiana even thought your partner is the same age its still s*x witha  minor and you both can go to juvie for it. legal consent is 16 in indiana no matter if you both are the same age. so if u are having s*x please b careful.

  30. Legally, yeah. Should you? No! 14 is too young to take on the responsibility that comes with s*x. Wait until you're older!

  31. I think you're intelligent enough to know you're not at this age


    I know it must be difficult for you both, but have lots of fun exploring first before you take the next step. After all, you only have ONE first time.

    Do lots of over-the-clothes and under-clothes stuff first - in my opinion, they're just as HOT - especially kissing!

    All The Best & Please Be Safe



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