
Is it ok for a 24 yr. old to hike alone?

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Or would I look weird by myself :)

I don't mean really long hikes, just ones that are 3-4 hours long.




  1. no, you won't look weird. it's spending time with yourself, but then again a long hike could get a bit lonely! I would bring someone!!

  2. I do alot of things alone, including hiking.  But the issue isn't whether it's appropriate or whether you're look weird, but rather a safety issue. Predators look for lone females in isolated areas.  For that reason, I recommend you find a hiking buddy.  I realize that's not always such a simple matter to find and sometimes you just want to be alone.  Another option is to hike on private land if you've got the luxury of having friends or family with large tracts of farm land.  Otherwise, never fear that you'll look weird doing anything alone.  I have female friends that can't even go to a public restaurant and have a meal alone.  I went to the race track by myself a couple of weekends ago and enjoyed being part of a large crowd.  good for you for not being the type that has to have company all the time.  good luck

  3. It wouldn't look wierd but you have some other things to consider. Alot of times it's much safer, especially for women, to hike with a partner. The safety factors are on multiple levels. Safety in numbers apply towards any bad guys out there. Also if you are injured it's good to have a partner to help you if necessary.

    I hiked from Seattle to Argentina and a lot of that trip was alone but I have to tell you for state of mind a partner is wonderful. Someone to talk to and share the moment is a wonderful thing. If anything get a Dog and take it with you on your hike.

    Remember to take plenty of water as well as water purification tabs and food for at least 24 hours as well as gear to accommodate any weather changes. Take a topographical map and a compass and learn how to use both. If you get lost a compass can guide you to the nearest road but in general the best thing is to stay put and wait for someone to find you if you don't have a compass or map.

    Essentials include,

    Swiss Army Knife, Water Bottles for at least a gallon of water, Water Purification Tablets, Compass, Map, Rain Tarp or Coat, Flashlight, Mirror, Matches or Lighter and Food for at least 24 hours (granola, jerky and Fruit are awesome.)

  4. Many people hike alone, including me.  I'm 55 years old.  There is nothing wrong with it, as long as you are a sensible person and are well prepared.  Make sure you have good equipment, and carry all the basics with you - plenty of water, a knife, matches, etc.  Invest in a small survival kit for hikers.  Carry a cell phone - they work in many hiking areas now.  Know the area - have a  map, compass, maybe even a small GPS.  Have an emergency play - have an idea about what you can do if the unexpected happens.  And make sure you tell someone where you are going and when you will be back.

  5. You can go hiking as a group, as a pair, or all alone. There is nothing weird about wanting a bit of "alone" time to try to relieve stress or get a little exercise.

    But being a 24yr old woman in the present day society, you should always be aware of your surroundings, whether you are hiking or walking down a street in an area unfamiliar to you. You would be more vulnerable to predators (both human and animal) if you are solo than with a friend.

    At the very least, I would let someone you trust know that you are going for a hike, what general route you plan to take, and when you expect to be home. Take a cell phone with you in case you need to call for help, water, and some warm clothes in a backpack that you can put on in the event you get lost and are stuck in a cold forest overnight. Good maps of the area are helpful, and find out if where you are hiking there have been any cases of bear attacks or other dangers.

  6. it's not recommended for anyone to hike alone because if you fall and get hurt, no one can go back for help!

  7. Not at all! I'm fourteen though lol. I take walks by myself all the time, and I go in the woods and stuff by myself. But I like to be alone most of the time, so I don't know about you lol.

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