
Is it ok for a female accountant to wear neat professionally maintained dreadlocks?

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Or will I have a tough time getting a job with a top accounting firm, because of my hairstyle.

I graduate next year.




  1. Be modern, but dignified.

  2. Um, no.  Top accounting firms, and those trying to be tops, are by nature very conservative.

    Get the job first, then consider changing your looks.  YOU represent the company you work for.  It's ALL about perception.  If you wear dreads, people will think... Ganja!  They may be absolutely wrong, but if that's what they perceive, they'll not be entrusting their hard-earned money to you, or your firm.

    Investors or business people want someone in gray wool suits to do their money handling.

    I would suggest you visit a few firms and see for yourself.

  3. Absolutely, sure it is.  As long as the hairstyle is neat and professional looking as your dress code should also be, and you have a great personality to also sell yourself, you should have no problem landing a great job!!!!

    You go girl!!!!

  4. good question, because I had the same one a couple years ago, and found out that it was fine to dreadlocks as an Accountant. It's okay to be yourself, don't ever forget that!

  5. I don't think you can be taken seriously.

    We are judged on appearance, wether we like it or not, fair or not.

    If you are career oriented you have to dress the part. It's hard enough to be taken seriously as a new grad.

    Unless you find a very laid back firm or a position at an alternative friendly workplace (which can be done) you may find yourself interviewing a   l o n g  time.

    Lots of companies need accountants, you don't have to limit yourself to stiff firms. Do some research now, there are so many really cool companies who may enjoy you just as you are. If you are lucky enough to find one you may be happier for it and surrounded by like minded, hip folks.

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