
Is it ok for a girl 2 race b/c my daddy races n he says i can but idk if its ok... like if ppl think its weird

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Is it ok for a girl 2 race b/c my daddy races n he says i can but idk if its ok... like if ppl think its weird




  1. Why not?

    Race what?

    Track & Field   Jackie Joyner

    Cars  ...............Danica Patric

    You get the point, some think that women competing isn't "feminine", that just means they aren't very good, and don't want you to show them up.

    What are you gonna do if people think it's "weird" that you're alive, kill yourself?

    People have a right to an opinion, you're in charge of your own life, you get to make the decisions


  2. the h**l you care about what other people do and go for it.

  3. It depends on what kind of "race" you're talking about.  Are you talking about a footrace, bicycles, horses, motorbikes, cars?

    If your parents approve, and think it is safe and appropriate to race, then it's probably fine.  Other people may not be used to the idea, but you don't have to limit yourself to their narrow experience.  Do what you feel is right, and don't worry too much about if other people approve.

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