
Is it ok for a guy to shave his pubes and legs?

by  |  earlier

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i shave my pubs but never my legs and i have thought about it cause i my legs are muscle and thats it so i was wanting to know if it would be ok or not but i hate alot of hair down that way




  1. uh what does that have to do with eyes?

  2. No, guys shouldn't shave anything down there except their balls.

    That pic is extremely homo, eww

  3. unless you're talking about eyeballs, I have no idea....but if it you're not hurting anyone and you like it...go for it.

  4. umm totally yes i guess whatever makes you comfortable you do not have to not shave and be uncomfortable.. i think that less hairs looks more attractive.. it may even cause less odor to shave..

  5. i hate hair anywhere other than on a person't head. shave everything! it's perfectly ok, and if other people have anything to say about what you will or won't do, it's not their place to judge. be whatever you want to be, and don't be afraid.

  6. well you can totally tell you shave your legs but their wicked nice so i dont blame you haha and as goes the pubes that totally cool i mean if your down w/ it so shouldnt everyone else [:

  7. no

  8. It's completely up to you; whatever you feel comfortable with. Professional bodybuilders shave. It's no one's business but yours.

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