
Is it ok for a guy to sleep over at a guy friend's house?

by  |  earlier

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Just two guys.




  1. h**l yes, Chango. Whether your a sixth grader over for some video games, or in college to play beer pong, its A.O.K. to sleep at a guy friend's house. And any other guy that thinks its wierd or anyhting like that, quite frankly, has a phobia.  

  2. There's nothing wrong with it.  I slept over my guy friend's house pretty often in the past.  Even when we were both 17, I still stayed over.  Usually, it was just more convenient.  We'd be having fun, hanging out, but then it would get late, so we didn't feel like going home.  That's the kind of stuff friends are for!  =)  It doesn't need to be a sexual situation.

  3. When friends sleep over, must everyone think its sexual? Remember the good old days when it was just "Sleeping Over"?........When I sleep over a friends house is when Im too drunk to go home so I sleep in da couch......With my underwear pulled down......Just joking bout da underwear.....LOL....

  4. If it is a Platonic "just friends" sleepover, it is fantastic to have fun and talk all hours of the night, watch some videos, listen to music, and be comfortable with a great buddy.

    And if it is two guys who are romantically charged for each other, that's hot.

    Sounds great either way to me.

  5. i think its fine as long as you don't share a bed

  6. how old and wats the occasion??include those plz

  7. Is it "ok"? Ok with who? You can sleep wherever you want. Why wouldn't it be ok? Who's opinion is more important on this matter than yours and your friend's?

  8. Yeah, what's the worry? It's fine, no prob. Don't even trip. Do what you want and when you want.


  9. I think people can have same s*x friends they don't want to get freaky with.  

  10. yes, and its perfectly normal also.

  11. That would really depend on the guys in question.

    Two instances I think that might not be so tenable is (1) if both guys have an attraction or share a mild flirtation all this time, but one or both of them are committed to other people and (2) one is a homophobic prick who is being lusted by the other guy. Both can have disastrous outcomes.

    "Sleeping over" did not use to mean "sleeping with". As I recall, parents even baked cookies for their kids on such "nights". (Sort of a downsized version of "catching up" - cheaply, at home, and under parental supervision.) I personally don't see anything wrong with it, especially if there are no "hidden agendas" from both parties. After all, he is a FRIEND. And I don't take that word lightly.

    Good luck!

  12. yea thats fine. but....if you dont want people assuming you're with the guy then i wouldnt go brag about it. lol. but if you were with the guy then tell as many people as you want

  13. no i have guy friends come over and nothing bad ever happened from it

  14. 10 guys is ok as far as I am concerned

  15. nothing wrong with sleeping at a friend's house...

    and u didn't put any details...

    but if u guys are planning on doing anything more than just sleeping in the same house... that's something u guys both decided so it would be fine as well...

  16. yessir.


  17. Sure why not. Just because one or both may be g*y or bi, why does it matter?

  18. of course ^_^

  19. yeah

  20. so g*y...

  21. ya dude its fine everyone does

  22. Just don't share the bed if you don't plan on getting freaky.

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