
Is it ok for a male to wear acrylic or gel artifical fingernails?

by  |  earlier

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My fingernails are no that great and was wondering if getting acrylic or gel nails would be ok and i would like to have them kinda long.




  1. if your g*y go for it.

  2. Whoa! All of that really creeped me out, your a man, stop acting like a girl.

  3. Secksy. :p

  4. What immature answers if I ever saw them. For one thing, g*y people tend to be masculine men, and they like masculine men as partners. So, how would a guy that wants gel or acrylic nails be "g*y"??? It seems to me that the term 'g*y' is most often used by teenyboppers to describe anything, and everything they might not agree with. By doing so you are degrading ALL g*y people out there. It's insulting to those who are g*y to have some little immature and narrow minded young kids constantly call others 'g*y' as you do. Who are you to be calling other people names like that? You don't even know this person.

    To answer your question: Yes, you can wear nails if you want to wear them. Don't even think twice about what others may think about it because they don't matter - especially strangers. Live your life as you see fit. Your wearing acrylic or gel nails certainly is NOT hurting anyone, so go for it. It's YOUR life, YOU make the rules. Don't let anyone tell you differently. How you run your life is your business, and as long as you are not harming anyone in the process, then all is fair game.

    BTW, if you have not already done so, ask this same question over in the transgendered section of Y!A. You will get a LOT less immature and rude answers there. Most will support your decision on that section. Try it! Here is the link:;_ylt=AnjIn...

    Good luck!

  5. no, unless you're g*y then go ahead.

    men shouldn't care about their nails.

    Emo's stole girls pants, and shirts,

    our nails are all we have left!!!!!

  6. if your g*y, but if your straight i dont think any woman would want a man with east i definatly dont

  7. You are free to express yourself. However, I think it is gayer than g*y.  

  8. ewww no

  9. Please do.  While you at it, make sure your nail stylist uses glitter.  Glitter just sets everything off!!


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