
Is it ok for a middle school 6th grader to read twilight??

by Guest45540  |  earlier

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my sister she is a little mature but i not very mature she know about every thing don't worry but I don't know if its ok for her to read twilight see her friends read it and i hear her pouting and yelling at her parents to read twilight and they want to know if i had read it and i haven't and neither have they they want to know if its not a good idea or if its to mature for her I'm not sure please help me i'm getting annoyed by my sister




  1. There's nothing wrong with an 11 year old reading it, they just might now understand it like an older kid would. But keeping a child from reading is like not allowing them milk. You'd be keeping them from growing and learning.

    Next time you ask a question, please punctuate. I'm not being rude, it's just hard to read a huge run-on sentence. I didn't know if you were talking about yourself, your sister, or a kid next door or something.

  2. If she wants to read, by gosh, let her do it! You are stifling her want to learn by preventing her to read a book. Plus, she will probably discuss it with her friends, further enhancing her understanding, and building good reading strategies for later in life!

    Learning is ALWAYS a good thing. I would encourage her to read any book that she likes. If it is too mature for her, she won't get anything out of it- but hey, she tried, and learned where her limits are. She can then use this information for picking out the next book she should read.

  3. Your sister should be able to go to the library and borrow the Twilight books with our without your parents' permission so I don't know what her deal is. Having said that, my daughter who's going into seventh grade read the whole series this summer and LOVED it. Your sister will really enjoy it, I think. :-)

  4. Personally, I think it's all a bit much. I mean, come on, vampires? Now we have girls everywhere falling in love with these creatures. I think it would be best to stick to our own species..Not to mention the fact that it makes it seem like all of the stuff inside the book is ok for kids to experiment with, making light of the occult, etc.

    I realize that many people enjoy the book for the way it's written and the "romance" (again, we're talking about vampires here) but the way it's written is the means it uses to play down the occult.

    So, for a sixth grader, I'd try to get her more interested in something intellectually stimulating as opposed to something "romantic;" our generation gets enough of that just by turning on the TV or listening to the radio.

  5. The book is geared to pre-teen girls, so go for it.

  6. Do yourself a favor and don't read it

  7. yes.  it's a wonderful, wonderful book.

    in fact, it sets a good example for young girls.

    the main character, bella swan, is a role model.

    she is a good girl, studies, does well in school, is good to her family... and so on.

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