
Is it ok for a person that is a 5'1 weighs 112 pounds to take 5mg of abilify?

by  |  earlier

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I was just asking because my doctor is about to up my dose to 5mg due to me having bipolar disorder.




  1. Your doctor knows far more about medicine than you.  If he/she says that 5mg is going to be your dose, then it will be your dose.  Of course, there is always a risk to medicine - but the point is that the benefits outweigh the risks, and this is why your doctor is prescribing these drugs to you.

    If it bothers you, you are well within your rights to obtain a second opinion.

  2. 5mg is still a pretty small dose of Abilify. There are people in the bipolar support group I go to who are your size and take 20mg.

    Trust your psychiatrist. I'm sure he/she prescribes this medication every day.

  3. Ideally, you should discuss this with your doctor.  However, I don't know that person.  Perhaps you've got reasons not to do so or want a second opinion.  A sensible doctor wouldn't mind a patient hearing a second opinion.

    Ask somebody qualified, and ask family and friends for somebody they might know who's qualified.  Asking on an internet forum leaves you open to misinformation from people you've got no reason to trust.

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