
Is it ok for a teacher to cane her students who got less than 90% in the mid-term exams?

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Is it ok for a teacher to cane her students who got less than 90% in the mid-term exams?




  1. If this was the case, I would still be sore, 10 years after the fact. Hmmm Just thinking about it, is giving me goosebumps. And on top of that these are just the mid-terms....what's the punishment for the finals....The Chair??? Gas Chamber??? Thanks, but I'll pass.

  2. NO!

  3. "Cane"?  This implies corporal punishment from another country.  I have never heard of anyone being punished because they made less than 90% on a mid-term exam.  Usually corporal punishment is as a result of negative behavior.

  4. Not in America, but I believe it may be legal in some Asian countries.  It depends on where it was done and what the local laws are there.

    Is it ethical?  That's a whole 'nother can of worms.

  5. No, No, No!  What are you thinking about?  In my state it is not legal to hit a student for any reason.  You certainly don't teach fairness or caring for others that way.  It is absurd!

    Students who get 90% should be praised!

  6. Yeah I would say so, then maybe we wouldn't have so many idiots at school.

    That is extreme lol

    But maybe not because then we could get abusive power.

  7. If only this was my problem: students that got less than a 90%.

  8. It is NOT okay for a teacher to physically or even verbally abuse a student in ANY way! This should be reported to administration!

  9. A big no for it... You might be sanctioned because of that. Just advise your student to study his/ her lesson next time so that he/she can cope with his/her failed grades..,

  10. heehee, funny, but no it's not okay.

    that would be caning, right, like on the floor of the senate?

  11. sry to say it but r u normal? they juz got less than 90% n for that reason u caned them? plz! i have a student juz got 75%(credit) n i juz gv him a scold! juz dont be to pressure on the children, especially the primary students! gv them a chance to gain more! n dont keep on canning or even scolding if they get less than 90% consecutively but gv them a spiritual advice(confidence advices)! for me, if u keep on scolding n canning them, it may get worst!(they may think they r stupid n they will stop doing schoolwork n when u ask them y they didnt do thier schoolwork, they will say, "we didnt do our schoolwork coz we are stupid! we always been caned by u n we think stupid students cant do schoolworks!) so try to accept my opinion! (if u dont like my opinion, nvrmd! im juz trying to be honest n i dont act like any answerers, say "no, u did the right thing by caning them" n so on! p.s. im a daycare teacher! bye!

  12. not in most parts of the 'civilised' world, definitely illegal in the UK

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