
Is it ok for me to fast?? i'm pretty weak ?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 16 and i am very skinny and have iron deficiency. i get really weak easily if i don't eat and feel like i will passout. It is ok for me to fast right?? i realllllllly wanna fast this year like the whole month. but what if i can't?? whats gonna happen to me




  1. well try a couple days if you cant god will forgive you

  2. don't fast.... but if you REALLY want to fast then do a half-fast.

  3. Its haram if your sick and do fast..not good for you...but to really be sure ask a sheikh or something thats what I would do

  4. It will be especially important for you to eat early pre-dawn breakfast and consistent late dinners. You might do well to take vitamin supplements during those times, and checking with a physician might be advisable.

    Fasting needn't jeopardize your health, and again, you may need to be very consistent and disciplined to eat well during the permissible times (pay attention not only to the quanity of food and drink but also the nutritional quality and variety).

  5. If you fast and you have no extra body fat, the body will start to consume your muscles.  I suggest that you don't fast this year.  It could make you very sick.  It might even kill you.

  6. fast 1dayof  Ramadan and last of  Ramadan  

  7. You have to be in tip top shape in order to fast properly and stay in the healthy guidelines.  If you are weak and already deficient of very important vitamins and minerals you should not fast. (unless you want to commit suicide)  Fasting is not a way to lose weight (you are already skinny) it takes mind over matter and a lot of discipline.  It is meant to get the impurities and toxins out of your your body a fresh start.  If you have no clue what you are doing you have no right to do something so drastic for your body.  Do you even know the fundamentals of fasting or are you just curious because it seems to be a fad right now?

  8. Dont fast if it will affect your health! theres always next year

  9. Consider alternative types of fasting:

    a. Don't eat at fast food restaurants

    b. Don't eat candy or salted snacks

    c. Don't drink soft drinks, alcohol, or caffeine. Stick to milk & water.

    d. Limit your (white) carbohydrate intake to one meal a day

    e. Don't garnish your food with salt, pepper, or artificial flavorings

    f. Replace red meat with fish, and possibly poultry

    g. Don't eat desserts

    You needn't starve yourself to achieve the objective of fasting.

  10. it's in your best interest not to. honestly, from what i've read of your description, you won't last 2-3 days. so i don't think you should.  

  11. Assalam, very nice to read ur question.

    Dear, Have faith in Almighty ALLAH and go ahead with fasting. Im sure HE will help u with it and may improve ur health more and more.

    Make sure U have nutritious food(fruits,veggies, milk & white meat) during IFTAR and SAHR. Also ask ur doctor to provie Iron supplements, which u can take at bed time.

    Ramzan Mubarak and happy fasting !

  12. If you dont eat, you will die.  So chow down and dont die...

  13. Ask your Doctor

  14. no dont fast, god knows your heart, nothing will happen to you. God does not want you sick.

  15. no, don't do it. Its very dangerous for you especially since the days are pretty long.

    Don't worry you won't go to h**l.

  16. hmmm sounds like you dont want to do it lolz... but you get used to it after the first week ohh and try to do it if you feel like you r goin to pass out eat somthin

  17. I don't think it's a good idea to fast the whole day. Try to do it for half the day, or maybe you could eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, but have nothing in between.

    I don't think your god would want you to end up fainting or anything. Also, perhaps you could fast, but get lots of sleep and take iron pills. When you DO eat, eat lots of meat because meat contains iron.

  18. Talk to your doctor about it. If he says it's your choice then look at things carefully. Religion isn't meant to be hard and if your not able to fast then you shouldn't. The Quran prescribes other things (feeding of the poor) for those who can't fast.

  19. Islam specifically states that if you're sick, you shouldn't fast. So don't.

    Maybe by next Ramadan you'll be feeling better.  

  20. Pray the rosary and ask God to forgive. He will understand if you are really skinny. In fact you can give up something els like candy of something besides meat. Hope this helps!

  21. just try it for couple of days and if u go weak then just don't bcz Allah  knows ur situation and he will forgive u  

  22. Fasting is okay, but I would be hesitant for you doing it because you are so skinny and have iron deficiency.  If you get all of the vitamins and iron that you need from supplements and stuff, then it would be okay.  Still eat some though to make sure.

  23. try them out for a few days or so

    inshallah u will be well

    tc :)

  24. Hi,please see a doctor.While you are ill you do not have to fast.

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