
Is it ok for me to hate my cousin for what shes done? even though her mother thinks shes in the right!!?

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She has split up with her husband of 5 years because her husbands son who is 13 had to permanantly live with them because the 13 year olds mother just took off abroad. She in my opinion is very selfish. she didnt liek how she had to make him a meal, and make sure he went to school. so she broke up with him. << THIS UNTIL 2 HOURS AGO IS WHAT I THOUGHT WAS THE STORY- BUT ITS NOT

her husband works as a high rank in the army, and earns alot of money doing what he does, but he is away for 2 months at a time, then hes back for 2 weeks. He is VERY good looking, and has an even nicer personality and attitude towards everyone and everything. in my opinion he is the perfect man. My cousin milly was very shy when they first met, lived in a small apartment, and didnt work. she lived with her mam (her mam did everything for her) but when she met kevin, he did everything for her. He bought her everythign she wanted, a car, a house, a dog, and the most expensive furniture you could imagine.

Milly had gotten into modelling because of the confidence kevin gave her, but she also started pole dancing (to stay fit- so she says) but then she started working in old pervy clubs.

Milly then had an affair with someone ugly, old and what i think is a bit of a sugar daddy-from the club she worked at behind kevs back. Kevin over the last few weeks had gotten the impression she was getting fed up of him going away for long periods of time, so he quit his job and as a surprise came to visit her at her work. (he has never ever said anything about that place apart from why she did it because he would give her the money she wanted. ) And he found her kissing this man she was having an affair with.

Who else thinks she is awful? he asked for her to come back to, and he said he forgave her for everything just come home. she declined and said she wanted a divorce and 50% of everything he had. so he gave in, gave her half of everything (including half the cash lump sum he had been given from his work that he quit for her)

OH thats not it, i forgot to say when he came home for that 2 weeks, she was in bed, the house was messy, and she didnt do anything for him. she didnt cook dinner buy herself something nice or anything. He was telling us the other day he didnt care that she didnt buy anything or do anything special, he just wanted to see her, but she just didnt even make an effort to get up and be at the door to say hi, and he had to clean the house.

Its dreadful isnt it? The kids mother was his first wife who also did a similar thing to him, so milly and his first wife have both took advantage of a GREAT man, the kid has moved schools so many times, kevingave her everything, spent time with her, he was a good husband always taking her out, appreciating her etc, but in my eyes she just chucked it all back in his face. And whats worse, is millys parents (my aunty and unces) think she is completely in the right!!!




  1. some old divorced military guy with a kid who&#039;s never at home...married a young pole dancer?  and he expects her to be a cook?  ps: they dont make good money in the military.  anyway, interesting story you can tell your grandkids at bedtime. hehe

  2. wow long but entertaining story. i have to totally disagree with your aunt and uncle. i completely feel you on this one. that is totally wrong of your cousin to do. she totally took advantage of Kevin. He gave her everything any woman can want. no one should be taken advantage like that. But now i hope kevin sees that he deserves sooo much better than her. Nowadays you gotta be on the lookout for those gold digging women. im sorry for this i feel u

  3. I would stay out of any verbal argument over it or anything, to avoid family confrontation, but she is in the wrong, its not easy to ba an army wife, it take a lot of dedication, but that is no reason at all to act the way she did. Also, he let her get away with all this, he needs to learn to put his foot down and do right by himself as well as his wife, a marriage needs to be an equality, not one walking all over the other. There are not enough men like him in the world these days, maybe now he can find someone worth his time.  I wouldnt even acknowledge her, you are better than that, she will get whats comin, karma&#039;s a *****!

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